gift for women birthday india
When did you stop caring and be okay with having to tell someone about it even? I hate it so much....
Because, U can lead a very healthy life unto death. Why & How?
1. Every young girl/spinster/woman must know the significance of Menses cycles, regularity of maintenance with the aid of acupressure techniques & to maintain âthe best of womanâs healthâ for life. The success depend up on the extent of compliance of all stipulated instructions.
Menses------- is nothing but the God's Special gift given to the female. It is one of the routes of excretion of toxins, pus cells, bad blood, bacteria, viruses, hormonal discharges, etc.
So long as a female passes through regular menses right from puberty to menopause, she will be well balanced, pretty with natural and healthy glow, good moods of love and affection, excellent immunity/disease resistance power, excellent growth in height up to 21st birthday, etc.
Irregular periods/heavy periods may be an offshoot of hormonal imbalance, psychological disturbances, indiscriminate consumption of birth control pills, steroids for other causes like allergy, thyroid problems, asthma/bronchitis, etc.
By and large, the menses cycle ranges from 3 weeks to 5 weeks as and when it is regular. In certain ladies, it is not regular. It can be regulated just in 5 days.
How to develop aesthetically designed Big Boobs & to prevent breast cancer for life?
Aesthetically designed boobs 'for a girl' are very beautiful and a source of inspiration for everyone. They can as well be good source of nourishment/nutrition and ready made antibodies for her kids. It is a natural gift to the female given by the God and it shall as well keep herself and her husband to enjoy free sex within her own wedlock. If the female is intelligent, to be well-secured, she can protect all her virtues and nature's gifts given by Him, to her own advantage vis-a-vis her husband and her progeny.
[a]. Ur [Menses related gonads]-remote control-Acupressure points are located in Ur wrists and ankles on both sides to be activated for regulating Ur menses cycle. Remote control acu points of 'breasts' are located in the âmiddleâ of Ur dorsal side of palms, where U can see nails. Massage on all these points, with Ur thumbs, for 2 minutes daily morning & evening.
By virtue of regular menses cycles, girls may grow in height up to 21st birth day with aesthetically designed boobs, the study says
[b]. Eat dry/raw coconut + jaggery, sweets and Laddu made of dry fruits daily one or two. They ensure good strength to the boobs vis-a-vis big size. Hence, most of the Indian women donât have the problem of small boobs.
3. Acupressure & Natural Remedies may solve Ur problem of irregular Menses.
UtilityâBlocked energy + toxins shall be moved from all Ur internal organs to purge in the normal drainage system, i.e., urine, feces, sweat, cough, menses[ladies], vomiting and all the organs shall function upto optimal levels.
With ur thumb, press ur/his/her palms and soles, wrists and ankles on both sides. Suppose pain is felt while pressing a particular point in the palm/sole, u have to press the surrounding areaâjust like u r pumping out air from that painful point. The blocked energy in any internal organ, be it lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, liver, etc., shall be released along with toxins if any. As a last point u must press middle part of each palm/sole; so that toxins, if any, shall be excreted through urine without affecting the kidneys.
It should be done in an empty stomach or 2 hours after meals. With this, all the endocrine glands and their hormonal secretions shall be regulated. All internal organs shall function up to optimal levels. Ur entire immune system gets invigorated to produce antibodies.
â¢2. PS. If satisfied/benefited with, inform others to join âYahoo Answersâ on any health problem.
'Health In Ur Hands' by Dr.Devendra Vora,D.Sc.,M.D.,F.R.C.P., an octogenarian & the pioneer in Acupressure in India.
What does it feel like when you get your period for the first time?
Q. I know this question Is weird, but I am having sighns of getting my period and I am curios. When you get it does it hert? Is it a really heavy flow?
yes, a note on 'menses' clarifies all Ur doubts.
1. Every young girl/spinster/woman must know the significance of Menses cycles, regularity of maintenance with the aid of acupressure techniques & to maintain âthe best of womanâs healthâ for life.
Menses------- is nothing but the God's Special gift given to the female. It is one of the routes of excretion of toxins, pus cells, bad blood, bacteria, viruses, hormonal discharges, etc.
So long as a female passes through regular menses right from puberty to menopause, she will be well balanced, pretty with natural and healthy glow, good moods of love and affection, excellent immunity/disease resistance power, excellent growth in height up to 21st birthday, etc.
Irregular periods/heavy periods may be an offshoot of hormonal imbalance, psychological disturbances, indiscriminate consumption of birth control pills, steroids for other causes like allergy, thyroid problems, asthma/bronchitis, etc.
By and large, the menses cycle ranges from 3 weeks to 5 weeks as and when it is regular. In certain ladies, it is not regular. It can be regulated just in 5 days.
2. How to develop aesthetically designed Big Boobs & prevent breast cancer for life?
[a]. Ur [Menses related gonads]-remote control-Acupressure points are located in Ur wrists and ankles on both sides to be activated for regulating Ur menses cycle. Remote control acu points of 'breasts' are located in the âmiddleâ of Ur dorsal side of palms, where U can see nails. Massage on all these points, with Ur thumbs, for 2 minutes daily morning & evening.
By virtue of regular menses cycles, girls may grow in height up to 21st birth day with aesthetically designed boobs, the study says
[b]. Eat dry/raw coconut + jaggery sweets and Laddu made of dry fruits daily one or two. They ensure good strength to the boobs vis-a-vis big size. Hence, most of the Indian women donât have the problem of small boobs.
â¢[c]. More over, married women in India, donât have much problems of âtensionsâ/âmensesâ/ by virtue of wearing tight silver rings on middle toe [to regulate heart functioning] and index toe--just beside big toe [to regulate lust and menses cycles]. Notwithstanding the religious practices, all Indian women wear silver rings, given in the marriage.
3. Acupressure & Natural Remedies may solve Ur problem of irregular Menses.
UtilityâBlocked energy + toxins shall be moved from all Ur internal organs to purge in the normal drainage system, i.e., urine, feces, sweat, cough, menses[ladies], vomiting and all the organs shall function upto optimal levels.
With ur thumb, press ur/his/her palms and soles, wrists and ankles on both sides. Suppose pain is felt while pressing a particular point in the palm/sole, u have to press the surrounding areaâjust like u r pumping out air from that painful point. The blocked energy in any internal organ, be it lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, liver, etc., shall be released along with toxins if any. As a last point u must press middle part of each palm/sole; so that toxins, if any, shall be excreted through urine without affecting the kidneys.
It should be done in an empty stomach or 2 hours after meals. With this, all the endocrine glands and their hormonal secretions shall be regulated. All internal organs shall function up to optimal levels. Ur entire immune sytem gets invigorated to produce antibodies.
PS. If satisfied/benefited with, inform others to join âYahoo Answersâ on any health problem.
'Health In Ur Hands' by Dr.Devendra Vora,D.Sc.,M.D.,F.R.C.P., an octogenarian & the pioneer in Acupressure in India.
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