gift ideas for women quiz
I have no earthly idea what she means by that, and I would be really grateful if you guys could help me out and give me ideas on how to be a romantic
The fact that you're asking this and willing to try is a really good sign.
Women aren't all the same though and we like different romantic acts to make us feel loved. It would be good if you could find out her love language, either by trying to figure it out yourself or getting her to do the 5 love languages quiz if she's willing.
The love languages are
Gifts or gift giving.
Quality time.
Affirmation or compliments.
You can read more about them here:
Once you know what he love language/s are, you can tailor your romantic gestures around them. Is she likes gifts, pick her up some surprise flowers just because you're thinking of her, or if money is an issue even just a flower you picked while out walking that made you think of her because it's "almost as beautiful as she is."
If she likes physical touch, maybe give her a romantic massage and spend an hour or so just focusing on her. Try not to make it about what you might get out of it at the end! :p
Quality time might be putting aside some time just to chat without any distractions, no phone, no computers, no tv. Let her know she's the most important thing to do and you want to be able to focus just on her tonight.
Service - Cook her dinner. This is better done not as a complete surprise but maybe ask her around to your place and say you have a special surprise. When she gets there you have a romantic, home cooked meal laid out. If you can do this complete with candles and a flower on the table you'll get bonus points, but as long as it's clear you've worked really hard to put in extra effort she'll love it.
Affirmation or compliments - The big romantic gesture I can think of for this one would be a speech or poem about how wonderful she is. Close your eyes, think deeply about her and really try to tap into what you love about her. Some guys really struggle to produce something like that even if they do deeply love someone, so if that isn't your style then you can still make her feel loved every day just by giving her some compliment on something she did or the way she looks. For a special compliment you could look at her for a few seconds and say something like "Wow, I just noticed how amazing your eyes look in this light." or something like that. All those times she takes your breathe away, let her know! :)
What kinds of games do people play at Bridal Showers?
I am the maid of honor and I need to host the bridal shower tomorrow, but I still dont have very many good games to play. I recieved a lot of ideas for BORING games, but not a lot for good exciting games. There are going to be a LOT of old ladies there, and since I'm in my 20's, I dont know what kinds of games appeal to old ladies. Thank you for helping me think.
Answer Here are some age friendly games that I've played at various events:
Memory Game: an apron with different (the more the better!) kitchen utensils attached, and have the bride come out of the room wearing it over her outfit, and let her walk around everyone for about a minute or so, then, have her go away, and have everyone write down the items. A trick is: the apron counts as one item!! You can have things like: dishtowel, measuring spoon, spatula, fork, recipe card, etc. etc. You can tape/sew the items onto the apron. Bonus: the bride gets to keep the apron and all attachments! Whoever gets the most correct, wins the prize.
Gift Bingo: make up bingo cards with a different item from the bridal registry, print out a whole bunch-remember to mix up the items in different places, and add different gifts. Then, hand them out when it's time to open gifts, and each guest can cross off a gift off their bingo card as it's opened. (Or, you can have the guests fill in their own bingo cards, with items they "think" will be opened, and then open gifts, and who knows who will win!) Items can be specific or general: towels, gravy boat, lingerie, something red, candles, 2 pillowcases, measuring cup, money, gift card to Target, frame, bath soap, etc.
Word Scramble: bride/name, groom/name, wedding, honeymoon, newlywed, church, reception, dancing, etc. Mix up the letters, and have an empty line next to each one, for the correct spelling. Think outside the box on this one, because if there's a lot of older women, they can "guess" their way to win this!
You can also do a word search. Search online for free wordsearch, and you fill in the words, and can create your own wordsearch with personalized words about the bride/groom.
Who am I: tape a card with the name of a famous person onto the back of every guest as they enter. They have to ask questions about their person, yes or no. Example: Hillary Clinton. Am I a woman? yes. Do I sing
music? no. Am I married? Yes. etc. etc. etc.
Doorprize: have each guest fill out an envelope with their name as the recipient, and then shuffle the envelopes, and have bride pick a winner. Bonus: bride can use the envelopes to send the thank you notes!
Quiz: Ahead of time, ask the groom questions like: what high school did you go to, when/where you proposed, first date, how much he weighed at birth, etc. At the shower, the guests have to guess how many the bride will get right. The more questions, and tougher, the better chances for bride to be "quizzed".
Toilet Paper Bride: buy lots of rolls of toilet paper, have the guests get into teams, and dress one person like a bride with just toilet paper, then have bride decide on her favorite one!
Scrapbook: Have each guest write a sentimental message to the bride on a scrapbook page, and then put into an album for bride as a gift. You can also take a picture of bride with each guest and then it can go with the message into the album.
That's all I can think of right now. Good luck!! :) Have a fun shower tomorrow.
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