Saturday, January 11, 2014

where in the bible does it say that women can preach the gospel of Jesus?

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 on Gifts For Men | Handmade Valentine Gifts
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1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

In the gospels we read of several WOMEN MINISTERS who proclaimed "GOOD NEWS" (Mat. 28:1-10; Luke. 24:9-11)

In Acts 2:14-21; Joel 2:28-31 God predicted and promised that He Himself would POUR OUT HIS SPIRIT UPO ALL FLESH (man and woman) AND THEY WOULD PROPHESY. "He that prophesieth edifieth the church" (1st Corinthians 14:4) Prophesying is for the church and general public. 1st Cor. 12:1-31; 14:1-6; 12:24-26, 29-33)

In Acts 21:8-9 it is clear that PHILLIP'S FOUR DAUGHTERS WERE PROPHETESSES (Woman Ministers), that is, they were evangelists like their father. This is in perfect accord with Joel 2:28-29 which was fulfilled in the early church. Acts 2:16 and Acts 2:17-18 which will be fulfilled in the last days

In Romans 16 we have record of a number of women ministers of the Lord in various churches. Phoebe (Verses 1-2), Priscilla (V 3-5), Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, And Julia (Verses 6-15) These WOMAN MINISTERS ARE MENTIONED AS LABORERS IN THE LORD.

In Philippians 4:2 Euodias And Syntyche Are Mentioned As Being LEADERS OF THE CHURCH AT PHILLIPPI.

In 1st Corinthians 12 Paul compares the church to a human body and mentions 9 gifts of the Spirit, including the gift of prophecy, for all the members of the body of Christ, man and women.

Women were used of God in Old Testament days as prophetesses (Exodus 15:20; Judges. 4:4; 2nd Kings 22: 14; 2nd Chronicles 34:22; Nehemiah 6:14; Isaiah 8:3; Luke 1:39-56; 2:36). The law made provision for women to make sacrifices, attend feasts, and make vows (Deuteronomy 12:11-18; Leviticus 27)

God has used a rod (Exodus. 4:2, 17); an ass (Numbers. 22:28); a ram's horn (Joshua. 6:5); an ox, goad, nail, barley cake, pitchers, jawbone, millstone (Judges. 3:31; 4:21; 7:13, 20; 9:53; 15:15-19); mantle (2nd kings. 2:8); ditches (2nd kings 3:16); empty vessels (2nd kings 4:3); cruise of oil, ravens (1st kings. 17:4, 16); worm, wind, fish, gourd (Jonah 1:4, 17; 4:6-7); and many other weak things to confound the mighty (1st Corinthians 1:18-21).

See also:

At what age does a woman's beauty start to fade and does she become dependent on makeup to keep looking good?

Q. I know girls start wearing makeup from a very early age these days but they do so for reasons other than fading beauty. In a lot of cases they do this to make up beauty that never really existed in the first place. But some girls are naturally beautiful. However, no matter how beautiful you are eventually your looks start to fade. So the question is this: at what age do nature's gifts start to fade and artificial aids become necessary for women to sustain a level of beauty that they previously had without the aid of any makeup.

Most women hit the wall around 27. Some peak in high school.

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Birthday gift, what unique thing would be cool for a guy?

gift for her $50
 on ... under $ 100 photos etsy gift guide 20 gifts for her under $ 50 photos
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We have a little Saloon in town and the owner, who is the coolest guy is gonna be 60, I need suggestions on a gift under $50.!
Something that can be delivered hopefully
and I like unique, not "run of the mill tossed in a pile of never used or wanted gifts" things.

One of the most useful gifts I get is a gift card for the Warehouse. It is one of those shopping barns, that will enable him to select something he will find useful.

What gift should i give my boyfriend for an anniversary gift?


all i know is that he is giving me a gift worth $50 help me i need to know what to get him!!!

If he is into sports, a jersey or sweatshirt of his favorite team, or some nice cologne, a handmade card with a picture of the two of you.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

I have about $150 to spend on retirement gift for an over 70 y/o co-worker. Any ideas other than the norm?

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 on ... , Brown Leather Bracelet for Women, Equestrian Style on Etsy, $36.00
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Tam B

I am looking for something out of the norm. and something that will work for an over 70 year old man or woman. Something special that commemorates their time at the company, yet something that noone has thought of. Can anyone help?

Make it personal. Get a big basket and fill it with things a retiree can use. Buy a nice afghan, some really good hot cocoa drink mix, a crossword puzzle, a bookstore gift certificate, you get the idea. If you know something about this person to make it more personal that's even better. Like seeds and a garden tool set for a gardener, etc.

If you don't like this idea how about a piece of jewelery that says best wishes from all of us?

I need ideas on a song to play&siing for my Grandmother's 70th birthday?

Monetary M

Well, my grandmother is an amazing woman.
Strong, helpful, kind, understanding and a great rolemodel.
She's lived with us since I was born, so almost 15 years and she's been more than just a grandmother to me. It's almost as if she was my own mother.
Well, I figured it would be a nice thing to sing and play something on my guitar for her on her birthday, but I have no idea what song to choose.
Any suggestions?

Harvest Moon by Neil Young:

And if you want to melt her heart with a wonderful gift to accompany the song:

Make it a gift from all the family from an old photo perhaps of her and your Grandfather!

I hope this helps!

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What do I get for my new mother in law for Christmas?

gift for women that have everything
 on Getting The Perfect Something for the Man Who Has Everything
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My new husband has just handed over the responsiblity to me of getting a gift for his mom, 6 days before christmas! Eye yi yi! Does anyone have any gift ideas for a in her late 60's women who has everything and I don't know too much about. Any generic cool gift I may not have though of, any suggestions appreciated!
Merry Christmas!

you should ask your new husband, if he is giving you the responsiblity of getting the gift, he could at least give you some ideas. if he isn't willing to help, get a gift basket of things she likes. or some tickets to a play or something. it kinda depends on what she likes. some people like sports, or music, or knitting, cars, it's hard to give you ideas when i don't know what she likes. maybe a day at a spa. does she like coffee, you could get her some fancy coffee and some cups and such to go with it. give her a night out on the town or bring her to dinner one evening.

Why do women always want to buy gifts for their soldier?


Im not knocking gift buying.

But why do women, always want to buy gifts for everything?

We see the question in here all the time.

What to buy someone graduating Basic/Boot.
What to buy someone graduating AIT.
What to buy someone deploying.
What to buy someone coming back from deployment.

Is it, because, you find yourself in a situation where you have no control over whats happening, and it lets you assume some sort of control and makes you fell involved ?

I look at it from the male perspective, and I can't see buying someone a gift for those occassions, beside flowers when she came home.

Im just trying to get some insight into the female mind.

Help me out here, please.

Ever heard the expression "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth'?
Is it the gifts that bother you or the feeling that you have to reciprocate? I know for myself I enjoy showing my appreciation for my man with a gift now and then whether it's a thing or an action. Sometimes it's a six pack of his favorite beer if it sounds like he's had a rough day and needs to unwind. We do it because it makes us feel good to show we think about you and love you. And a gift should always be given with no strings attached otherwise it's not a gift it's a bribe.

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What are some good gift ideas for a friend?

gifts for her 18
 on Gift Ideas for an 18 Month Old Girl
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My friend is leaving june 25th for the United States Military Academy Westpoint. He won't take any clothes and I want to get him a gift (he is 18) for his birthday in August and also a going away gift. Any ideas?

Get him a watch or like a pin for your clothes or something

What type of Gift is Appropriate for my Cousin's Graduation?


My Cousin is Graduating from High School Next week and I need an appropriate gift. He is 18, young and I do not want to give him any appliances for college. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY!

most people want money. but i say get him a good book. something either thought provoking or fun or both. like Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Oh the Place You'll Go by Dr. Seuss

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why does Allah forbid Muslim men to love a girl?

Q. Why is it that Allah Almighty allows everyone else to love a girl(meaning that He only wants the men to be only friends with the women). Why doesn't he allow Men in Islam to be more than friends with women before marriage if they can still hang out with them without having sex before marriage. In other words, why is it that men are only allowed to be just friends with women in Islam?

Islam controls sexuality before marriage, because sexuality is a precious gift which should be reserved for one's spouse and be like a flower that blooms slowly. When you make something very accessible, it loses its value. When sexuality is controlled, it is more charming and in the end, it's more pleasurable. Otherwise, people keep searching for greater and greater fun, and yet remain unsatisfied. That's because our human bodies are very limited and they do grow old and weak.

Islam is not against love, which is a natural instinct. It's also not against friendship with the opposite sex, as long as it's out in the open and there is no secret get-together or date. Friendship can also be through Internet chatting, as long as it's respectful. The goal should be to find a marriage partner and not just flirt. This also protects girls from being abused, because the natural instincts of a boy is to use a girl and move on to others, unless there is some committeemen and social pressures to make the relationship permanent.

This system produces better relationships and keep families together. There are no issues with unwanted pregnancies or fewer instances of a single parent raising a child. It allows a man to get a career and mature a little before starting a family. So, in the end, it all works out in the interest of all parties.

What were marriage and weddings like in the Elizabethan era?

Rebecca C

I need to know what the wedding and marriage like for the rich, middle and poor Elizabethans.

This breaks it down pretty well...

Arranged Marriages
Just as today a woman's wedding was one of the most important days of her life. The major difference to Elizabethan wedding customs to a modern day Western marriage is that the woman had very little, if any, choice in who her husband might be. Elizabethan Women were subservient to men. They were dependent on their male relatives to support them. Elizabethan woman were raised to believe that they were inferior to men and that men knew better! Disobedience was seen as a crime against their religion. Marriages were frequently arranged so that both families involved would benefit. Marriages would be arranged to bring prestige or wealth to the family - a surprising fact is that young men were treated in a similar way as to women! Many couples would meet for the very first time on their wedding day! This particular Elizabethan custom usually applied to the nobility but the married or religious life were the only real options for the Elizabethans ( a career for a woman was absolutely unheard of!) Regardless of their social standing women and men were expected to marry. Single women who were thought to be witches by their neighbours...

Elizabethan Marriage and Weddings - The Dowry or Marriage Portion
Elizabethan women were expected to bring a dowry to the marriage. A dowry was an amount of money, goods, and property that the bride would bring to the marriage. It was also referred to as her marriage portion. After marriage Elizabethan women were expected to run the households and provide children. The law gave a husband full rights over his wife. She effectively became his property.

Elizabethan Marriage and Wedding Customs - The Age of Consent
With parental permission the legal age for Elizabethan marriages was as follows:

it was legal for boys to marry at 14

it was legal for girls to marry at the age of 12

It was not usual or traditional for marriages at such young ages. The actual age of consent was 21. Elizabethan men would generally not marry until this age.

Elizabethan Church Marriage and Wedding Information
Arrangements for Elizabethan weddings would have been with the local church. Weddings were always a religious ceremony, conducted by a minister. The religions varied but the legal process prior to the wedding was always the same. There were no Registry Office marriages or marriages conducted by a Justice of the Peace. The first stage was Crying the Banns, announcing a couples intention to marry. The same procedure still applies to Church marriages in England today. The Elizabethan Wedding custom dictated that the couple's intention to marry had to be announced in the church three times on three consecutive Sundays or Holy days. This allowed time for any objections to be raised or pre-contracts to be discovered. Any marriage not published beforehand was considered clandestine and illegal. Wedding invitations were not issued. People lived in small communities and knew what was happening in common life. If there was an Elizabethan wedding then people would just attend. Gifts were occasionally given to the Bride and Groom.

Elizabethan Marriage and Wedding Contracts
Should a couple need to marry in haste an alternative, faster, route to legalising a marriage required a Marriage Bond which acted as a contract, security and proof to a Bishop that the issue of a Marriage Licence was lawful. The Marriage Bond was accompanied with a sworn statement that there were no pre-contract. The issue of a Marriage Bond would require only one reading of the Banns - thus saving a couple of weeks. Such a Marriage Bond was required by Anne Hathaway and William Shakespeare - Anne was 26 years old and pregnant. William Shakespeare was only 18 and under the age of consent. Elizabethan wedding customs and contracts would have required that his father would have had to agree to the marriage.

Elizabethan Marriage and Wedding Customs - Preparing for the wedding ceremony
The Bride and Groom would be attended by their family and close friends. The color of the wedding clothes were varied - the tradition of wearing white came much later. A bridal procession would move from the family's house to the church. This was a particularly festive event and the procession would be accompanied by musicians. Additional information may be accessed from Elizabethan Wedding Dress.

Elizabethan Marriage and Wedding Customs - The ceremony
Once at the church the ceremony would be a solemn one. In Elizabethan times everyone would stand as there were no pews in the churches. When the marriage ceremony was over the wedding procession would return to their homes. The families of the couple would sometimes enjoy a wedding feast and were wished a long and happy life.

Elizabethan Marriage and Wedding Reception & Food
It was an Elizabethan Wedding custom to celebrate the marriage with a wedding feast. The special feast had to be carefully planned. The menu was discussed and arrangements for acquiring the content of the more exotic dishes, such a peacock, had to be made. The Elizabethans were keen on presenting dishes as attractively as possible - in the case of the peacock its colorful feathers would adorn the dish. Bread and sweetmeats would also be prepared. Sweet and Spicy foods were extremely popular and many of the dishes would be highly flavored. The staple drink of the Elizabethans was ale (water was unclean) but wine was also available and would have been ordered for the wedding feast.

Elizabethan Life after Marriage
Large families were the norm as the mortality rate for children and babies was so high. Many Elizabethan woman made arrangement for the care of their children in case they themselves died during childbirth.

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My girlfriend says I'm not really a romantic, I need help?

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 on Holiday Gift Ideas For Women Who Dream of Singing
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I have no earthly idea what she means by that, and I would be really grateful if you guys could help me out and give me ideas on how to be a romantic


The fact that you're asking this and willing to try is a really good sign.

Women aren't all the same though and we like different romantic acts to make us feel loved. It would be good if you could find out her love language, either by trying to figure it out yourself or getting her to do the 5 love languages quiz if she's willing.

The love languages are

Gifts or gift giving.
Quality time.
Affirmation or compliments.

You can read more about them here:

Once you know what he love language/s are, you can tailor your romantic gestures around them. Is she likes gifts, pick her up some surprise flowers just because you're thinking of her, or if money is an issue even just a flower you picked while out walking that made you think of her because it's "almost as beautiful as she is."

If she likes physical touch, maybe give her a romantic massage and spend an hour or so just focusing on her. Try not to make it about what you might get out of it at the end! :p

Quality time might be putting aside some time just to chat without any distractions, no phone, no computers, no tv. Let her know she's the most important thing to do and you want to be able to focus just on her tonight.

Service - Cook her dinner. This is better done not as a complete surprise but maybe ask her around to your place and say you have a special surprise. When she gets there you have a romantic, home cooked meal laid out. If you can do this complete with candles and a flower on the table you'll get bonus points, but as long as it's clear you've worked really hard to put in extra effort she'll love it.

Affirmation or compliments - The big romantic gesture I can think of for this one would be a speech or poem about how wonderful she is. Close your eyes, think deeply about her and really try to tap into what you love about her. Some guys really struggle to produce something like that even if they do deeply love someone, so if that isn't your style then you can still make her feel loved every day just by giving her some compliment on something she did or the way she looks. For a special compliment you could look at her for a few seconds and say something like "Wow, I just noticed how amazing your eyes look in this light." or something like that. All those times she takes your breathe away, let her know! :)

What kinds of games do people play at Bridal Showers?


I am the maid of honor and I need to host the bridal shower tomorrow, but I still dont have very many good games to play. I recieved a lot of ideas for BORING games, but not a lot for good exciting games. There are going to be a LOT of old ladies there, and since I'm in my 20's, I dont know what kinds of games appeal to old ladies. Thank you for helping me think.

Here are some age friendly games that I've played at various events:

Memory Game: an apron with different (the more the better!) kitchen utensils attached, and have the bride come out of the room wearing it over her outfit, and let her walk around everyone for about a minute or so, then, have her go away, and have everyone write down the items. A trick is: the apron counts as one item!! You can have things like: dishtowel, measuring spoon, spatula, fork, recipe card, etc. etc. You can tape/sew the items onto the apron. Bonus: the bride gets to keep the apron and all attachments! Whoever gets the most correct, wins the prize.

Gift Bingo: make up bingo cards with a different item from the bridal registry, print out a whole bunch-remember to mix up the items in different places, and add different gifts. Then, hand them out when it's time to open gifts, and each guest can cross off a gift off their bingo card as it's opened. (Or, you can have the guests fill in their own bingo cards, with items they "think" will be opened, and then open gifts, and who knows who will win!) Items can be specific or general: towels, gravy boat, lingerie, something red, candles, 2 pillowcases, measuring cup, money, gift card to Target, frame, bath soap, etc.

Word Scramble: bride/name, groom/name, wedding, honeymoon, newlywed, church, reception, dancing, etc. Mix up the letters, and have an empty line next to each one, for the correct spelling. Think outside the box on this one, because if there's a lot of older women, they can "guess" their way to win this!

You can also do a word search. Search online for free wordsearch, and you fill in the words, and can create your own wordsearch with personalized words about the bride/groom.

Who am I: tape a card with the name of a famous person onto the back of every guest as they enter. They have to ask questions about their person, yes or no. Example: Hillary Clinton. Am I a woman? yes. Do I sing music? no. Am I married? Yes. etc. etc. etc.

Doorprize: have each guest fill out an envelope with their name as the recipient, and then shuffle the envelopes, and have bride pick a winner. Bonus: bride can use the envelopes to send the thank you notes!

Quiz: Ahead of time, ask the groom questions like: what high school did you go to, when/where you proposed, first date, how much he weighed at birth, etc. At the shower, the guests have to guess how many the bride will get right. The more questions, and tougher, the better chances for bride to be "quizzed".

Toilet Paper Bride: buy lots of rolls of toilet paper, have the guests get into teams, and dress one person like a bride with just toilet paper, then have bride decide on her favorite one!

Scrapbook: Have each guest write a sentimental message to the bride on a scrapbook page, and then put into an album for bride as a gift. You can also take a picture of bride with each guest and then it can go with the message into the album.

That's all I can think of right now. Good luck!! :) Have a fun shower tomorrow.

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Where i can buy women eyeglasses frames at affordable price?

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 on 100 best gifts for her for birthday valentine s day anniversary ...
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Johan Smee

I want to gift a great eyeglass frame to my sister, so i am searching the website who provides women eyeglasses frames at affordable price.

In 2011 eyewear fashion for women we are seeing short wayfarer, round women eyeglass frames, women cat-eye frames, tortoiseshell color eyeglasses and square shaped women eyeglasses styles coming back in fashion. At you will find women eyeglasses risk free with 100% money back guarantee.

What attracts women to these kind of men?

Q. loners(go their own way and mostly keep to themselves),who think outside the box,are extremely gifted(great guitarists or freethinkers)who also have had emotional problems,or addictions and are erratic in their actions sometimes?and overall are pretty much their own man..

The life of the mind is way more interesting than the life offered by popular culture. These men are more interesting, generally speaking. However, the emotional problems are a turn off, as are addictions and erratic behavior, unless the women are masochists, only looking for short term connections, or expect to save the guy from his demons, which ISN'T going to happen.

I had brilliant troubled boyfriends - depressed poet biochemist musicians and aeronautical engineer blindfolded chess playing writers with psychosis and so on, and settled down with an artist muso with a happy enthusiastic nature.

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How can I return a designer gift with no receipt or tags?

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 on Designer Gift Pen for Her: Pink Gift Boxed Ballpoint Pen
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Hi, so I received a designer wallet for my birthday and the retail price is approximately 300-400 dollars. I'm quite happy with the four dollar wallet I have now and would rather spend the money on necessities. Where should I sell the wallet? Can I possibly return it to a department store without any tags or receipts? It comes in a box and with an authentication card.

I'm a vendor, and if someone came to me to return an item without a receipt (I don't give out receipts, but I KNOW my products) would I accept them? Of course not! How do I know you bought them from me, or could it be stolen from me without a proper receipt when, what, how, why.

I'm not a pawn shop!

What would you like to receive as a bridesmaids gift?


I am currently putting together ideas for attendant gifts for my May 23rd wedding. I have 7 attendants- all are fairly young between 16-21 as they are the siblings and cousins of my fiance and myself. I am trying to figure out attendant gifts that are something a bit more special than an engraved keychain or matchy matchy costume jewelry for the day.I'm trying to keep cost around $40 a person. What would you like to receive as a gift? What are you planning on giving?

I am thinking of seeing if I cant get them a designer purse, that matches there style. As woman we LOVE purses, your attendants are at the age that style does matter, what about a gift certificate to get their hair done?
A tanning gift certificate?
A designer wallet, purse.
What do they like? Are they into make up? What about getting them a make up bag with some Mac cosmetics?

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Whats a good gift idea for my girlfriend?

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 on Birthday Gift Ideas: Cute Gift Ideas Boyfriend
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me and my girlfriend have been dating for almost 5 months, and i want to get her something special for our 5 month anniversary. im 14 and shes 15, so not anything TOO ridiculous, i just need some nice gift ideas.

well girls always love dosnt have to be expensive.for example i have lord and taylors near me and they have expensive jewelry but at the same time they reduce alot of it in this section.they always have juicy earrings on sale are like 30 to 40 dollars.

What would be an appropriate gift for me to give to friends from Iran?


one is in his 40's, the other in her 60's. They are from Iran living in America. What would be good gift ideas? Thanks!

iranian men and women love perfumes!!!!
for men: for women:
-book -a nice dress
-watch -sunglasses!!!!!
-wallet -neckless(they love it!!!!)
-shirt - purse
but I think perfume will work (:

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Who picks gifts for the Obama administration to give to foreign leaders?

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 on Birthday Gift Ideas For the Wife !!@%$#%@ The Curse and Stress free ...
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Bill G

What a complete national humiliation some of these rinky-dink gifts have been! I've seen more thoughtful gifts from someone who ran into a 7-11 on the way to the birthday party.

Dohbama strikes again. And just in time because, after all, nothing says âspecial relationshipâ like a gadget you can buy in every mall in the western world. Whatâd he get Prince Philip? An Xbox?

The inevitable punchline â almost as inevitable as the fact that Gordon Brownâs DVDs were the wrong format: She already owns one. Where art thou, Teleprompter of the US?

Turns out there was more loaded on there than just 2007 mementos. The somewhat horrifying detail that they added some music for her too, leaving us to wonder what Americaâs diplomatic brain trust considers appropriate for a royal mix tape. We know what a big fan The One is of that âYes, We Canâ trackâ¦
This is just more evidence of St. Barry being, in Hitchensâs words, a âmegalomaniac narcissistâ infatuated with his own vacuous rhetoric. o_
I agree with you. Brown and Obama do not understand throwing good money after bad is sillyness. When Vladimir Putin warns the U.S. about the dangers of socialism, we are truly screwed. o_O

How do people make money from writing a blog?


I have an idea for an advice column kind of blog with information also. But I don't understand where the money comes from, or how much money can be made.

An advice blog earns revenue from the affiliate programs advertised on the blog that complement the topic.

Most advice blogs earn revenue from ads generated with Yahoo Publisher, Google AdSense, Amazon, Kontera, Chitika, Commission Junction, and Clickbank. There are other affiliate programs available; this is a short list.

If you're interested in any of the programs mentioned above, simply place www in front of the name and dot com at the back when looking for them on the Internet.

Your mission is to review and choose which affiliate programs are right for your blog. You then enroll in the chosen programs and add a piece of HTML code within your blog so that the advertisement appears. It's not difficult, and the programs explain in detail how and what to do.

Most blog owners do not add all of these programs at one time. They pick and choose ads according to the products that relate to the blog topic. That's what makes you the most money, and as for how much you'll earn, that depends on the topic and how many visitors read the blog and click on the complementary ads.

As an example, I have an "Ask The Gift Basket Expert" blog where I share advice about that particular subject and make money from books and other affiliate programs offered on the blog.

Be sure to discuss controversy and complaints on your blog. For whatever reason, people enjoy reading those types of entries most often.

Good luck to you.

Shirley George Frazier
Author and Small Business Expert

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What christmas gift for my boyfriend mom?

gift for women uk
 on Pink Friday Nicki Minaj perfume - a new fragrance for women 2012
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What christmas gift can i send to my boyfriend mom?

what about a jewellery hold? I am sure that any women should have some jewelleries

Why is it illegal to pay a surrogate mother?

Let It Be

I heard that it's illegal (in the UK anyway) to pay a surrogate mother.
Why is this? I'm just curious.

It is illegal to sell people in the UK and that is how the law views it, as a mother selling her baby.
In the past the very poor would rent their bodies and sell their children and young women in particular were pressured or even forced into this (usually against their will or through sheer financial desperation)
So this law was introduced and enforced to protect both the mothers and children.

The law allows for some compensation for surrogate mothers, including medical expenses, loss of earnings, transport, everyday misc expenses (like food or maternity clothing) or expenses towards help (like having a babysitter if the surrogate mother had young children of her own and needed help during the pregnancy) it also allows a small 'gift' amount to be given in appreciation.

Now that isn't to say that off the record there are no 'arrangements' made between the parties involved but it is all done unofficially and it dances between the legal and illegal line. Usually they give 'gifts' or offer certain perks to the mother without ever acknowledging that it's payment for a 'service'.
The bottom line is that a surrogate mother cannot ask for compensation that does not cover her reasonable expenses during the pregnancy and the other party cannot pay a surrogate mother for 'selling' her 'services'

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What happens to beautiful women when the get old?

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 on Knit Jones: Bathroom Reno Day pictures
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Go For Bro

Not saying all, but a lot of physically gifted looking women are self-centered because they grew up with men oogling over her and giving her all the attention. However, when she gets to her 50's or 60's and all the men are attracted to the 20's and 30 year old women, does the beautiful women realize how much time they have wasted in thinking that the world revolves around them?

Of course not....they are now turning the heads of really old in senior communities. When I divorced and was living in a 55 plus community, I was actually one of the youngest women there...and the best looking, if I do say so myself. I had to be careful not to set off all the ol' farts pacemakers! LOL! :)

Why do some women have kids just to dump them in daycare?

They ca

Now that I have your attention, I have a legit question. Why do people have children just to dump the child off in school once they turn 5 years old? We have these people making judgements about daycare, yet isn't school the same thing? Kids are in school for about the same amount of time. Just think we they get older and are involved in sports/band/choir/etc. How terrible that these children can't spend every second of everyday with their parents.
(note the sarcasm)
Kimberly, see where Isaid note the sarcasm?//I posted this because Ise daycae-bashing question every day. MY ids aren't in daycare but I know parents who have to put their kids in daycare. I've seen people say on here "Oh, those poor childrne have to be away from mommy 8 hours out of the day." Now remind me how many hours a child is in school? Isn't it 7 or 8. Then when they start with sports and then an after school job when they turn 15 or 16, that's even less time with mommy and daddy. Why don't these same people complain about this even though not sending your kid to school is illegal?

Like Ellie said, thank goodness you were being sarcastic, cause I was very tempted to give you a tongue lashing too! :)

I don't understand why either group, (the SAHM's or the working moms), feel it necessary to insult and put down others for the choice they have made. The comment that people have made, "Why have kids if you are going to have daycares raise the?" is just really rediculous! So basically, without just outright saying it, these people are saying that unless someone is financially able to stay at home with their children and not use a daycare or a private babysitter, then they don't deserve to be a parent. That is very judgemental and just plain hateful. Not every woman has the luxery of falling in love and marrying a man who makes $35-60,000 a year. I married one who only makes about $25,000 and brings home alot less after he pays child support on his children from his ex-wife and insurance premiums on all the kids. I don't think the fact that I didn't marry someone who made alot of money, means that I dont deserve to have children.

What about a woman who is widowed? My best friend was widowed with 2 young children, and had no choice but to work to support her kids. So I guess according to some of these women, she didn't deserve to have the kids, because she ended up having to put them in daycare. Point is, no woman, even these ones that are so freely judgeing working moms, know how their life will turn out and what might happen to them.

I don't know any woman who enjoys dropping her kids off at a daycare in the mornings, I certainly don't. But my husband and I live in an older house, and have had alot of things break, like our hot water heater, pipes, leaking roof. We have not had the money to repair these things outright, so we have had to charge them on a credit card. The motor on my car blew up and it cost over $2,000 to fix it, so again that went on the credit card. I was a SAHM for 18 months, and any unexpected large expense that came up, went on that cerdit card. So, I will be trying to pay all that off for years now. But it was either do that, or go without hot water, or no water, or have no vehicle. Which would have ended up hurting my kids more than me. So I did go back to work, and I do have to take my daughter to a babysitter during the day.

I do not live an extravagant life. I don't go shopping every month, I don't have a Coach purse, we don't have 4 wheelers or motor bikes, we don't go on vacations, we don't eat out every week, I don't buy new clothes for myself on even a monthly basis. If I have an extra money, from working over time or getting a bonus at work, I spend it on my husband or kids, not on myself. I took some extra money I had about 4 years ago, and bought my husband one of those $65.00 do-it-yourself outdoor pond kits, and some cheap 25 cent goldfish to go in it, and helped him make it, for fathers day, and I have had women on here tell me that was an expensive, frivolus expense and that is probably the reason I have to work, cause I am wasting money. I never knew buying my husband a fathers day gift would be considered "wasting money"!

If a mom chooses to work, because she does not want to stay at home at her childrens expense, then I don't think that makes her selfish at all. In fact I think it makes her a loving, wonderful mom. If choosing to stay at home, means that you and your husband have to stretch and skrimp so much with his paycheck, that you find yourself telling your kids "No, you can't have that, we can't afford it." or not taking them out to eat or to the movies occasionally (cause you have to pay the electric bill), not being able to buy them new clothes or toys occasionally (and I don't mean the cheap $2.00 toys at the Dollar Store that fall apart within 3 days) or you just simply have no extra money for "extras", then I do think that the mom staying at home ends up affecting the kids in a not so good way. Sure, they have mommy at home with them all the time, but if they never get the "little extras" that I know most kids would like to have and enjoy, then I think to alot of kids that is not worth it. I have seen stay at home moms, who have to skrimp and save so much that they can't even buy their kid Christmas presents or a Halloween costume. So, how is that fair to the kid?

I realize that not all daycares are great, but their are alot of women who do daycare out of their home. I found a wonderful older lady who watches kids out of her home. She is very inexpensive compaired to daycares, and my daughter learns alot from this woman. At only 2 she was talking as good as a 3 year old, was counting to 20 and could say spanish numbers too. This woman treats my daughter like she is her grandchild, and I never have to worry that she isn't getting wonderful care while I am at work. I don't go out with the girls after work or go shopping when I get off. I immediatly go get my daughter from this woman. I spend every single waking minute away from work with my kids. I do not go out, nor do I ever leave them with a sitter other than the ho

What type of gifts are usually given at bridal showers?

gift for her bridal shower
 on Planning A Bridal Shower | Micanonymous
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Chrissy Vo

I have never been to a bridal shower before, I have no idea what to get my cousin as a gift. (it has come to my understanding that you bring gifts to bridal showers and money to weddings) I haven't the slightest idea what to get her, or even what type of gift would be appropriate!! Thoughts, ideas? What are some of the gifts you girls, or guys, received at your bridal shower?

Have you asked if they are registered somewhere? If so that would be the easiest thing, just pick something off there in your price range. If not then it's typically something for the home. If they have an established home and you don't think you could find something they would like then gift cards could work too, typically some department store or like a bed, bath, and beyond place. The typical gifts I see at showers at pots & pans, towels, kitchen gadgets, bedding, picture frames, vases....those are usually picked off a registry though. It's considered rude to put registry info on an invite so call and ask someone if they are registered anywhere. Save you some stress.

Are a bouquet of daffodils in a vase a good gift for a bridal shower?


I was just notified about this shower today and it's in 2 hours. I have beautiful daffodils in my yard that are at peak bloom right now, would that be an ok gift for a bridal shower?

Not really. Are you going to the wedding as well? Were you planning on bringing your gift to the wedding?

A wedding shower is only for the people invited to the wedding. Etiquette wise, it is proper to give the gift before the wedding. You aren't suppose to bring them to the wedding itself. The shower is usually the opportunity to bring gifts. Of course there is no amount of money that you are obligated to spend.

I'm not sure what your budget is but if you are very broke, a vase might be all you can afford. Or it might be a very nice vase. If that is, of course it is ok. I would still wrap it though. But the daffodils (which will be dead in a day or two) are not a gift for the bride and groom. If you were to give them a plant that they could put in their yard, that would be much better.

Personally for me, if I was only going to spend about $10 on a vase for a wedding gift for the couple, I wouldn't go to the shower. A bridal shower is very very rarely at the bride's place (as it's improper for her to host her own) and transporting a vase filled with flowers is very difficult--especially when she has a car full of other gifts--to transport. More than likely it would be seen as a gift to the host and the bride wouldn't get it at all.

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How can I send a gift to my friend in canada when I am in usa?

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 on ... Gifts & Premiums Product for sale online -
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Renu S

My friend is in canada and I want to send a bday gift online or through visa gift card. I am not sure what works better. Please suggest. Thanks

If you order through Sears, they'll deliver it to the nearest Catalogue Sales Office.

How do i order stuff online but have it sent to someone else's address?

Q. I want to buy a gift online for someone, but I don't want it sent to my address. I want it to be sent to their address. Is this possible?

Yes it is, I've tried it for my mom. I bought her a hand-made painting from her photo and I just gave these guys her address and had them put a birthday card inside the package. Here's the link: ..Good luck on finding the right gift!

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How does this story idea and characters sound?

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 on Christmas Gift Basket Ideas for Women
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Theodora 'Theo' was an extremely gifted woman both in thought and in imagination. She was quirky and impulsive and introverted but likeable. When she suffered a loss of her childhood friend, she went away from home to fix her pain. That is when she meet the 'Visionary People' who promised to help her with her pain. Little did Theo knew that the people she met were not just their own community, they were also a cult of family worship and 'traditional values'. But little does she know that whenever her mind and thoughts are suppressed, the imagination in her head finds its way to get out by manifesting as psychic powers.

Filbert Blackstream is the founder and pastor of the Visionary people, a typical decent man and loving father with a dark secret. He has an extreme madonna-whore complex and preaches that women should be submissive and subjugated by their husbands and sons. His ministry is based on Calvinism, Patriarchy, Greed, and Business. But Fil has another secret, he was abused by his mother as a young boy and made his life a living hell. He would retreat to watching old family-friendly films on TV. When his mom died, his dad remarried and the stepmother was an Evangelical anti-feminist who treated Fil like royalty. Filbert really does believe in his ministry, and refuses to see his 'Utopia' as flawed.

Pella Blackstream is the wife of Filbert. She is the image of a 'Godly Wife' to the Visionarians. She's self-sacrificing and motherly. She is generous to her guests and to visitors alike. But Pella seems to have a mind of her own. She shows a cunning side that even her husband falls for. She is extremely self-sexist and male-identified. She sees her husbands weaknesses and feeds upon them. She is a spider in a web of lies. She uses flattery to get what she wants.

Geo Cutler is the 'adopted' father of Theo, he is her self-proclaimed priest, prophet and patriarch. He's naive but influential and one of Filbert's advisers. yet he is kind of a pervert. He has his two daughters shave his beard and dance with him during Purity balls. and he seems to have an eye for Theo. stroking her hair, watching her clean, but he come out as bossy when he wants to.

Victoria Cutler is Geo's wife. A middle-aged woman who is neither happy or angry of what role she was pushed in. She takes it all in like a b*tch and bears her hubbie's ego. But when Theo came in their life, she reconsiders. She is at first fond of her but later cold and harsh towards her. Seeing her husband with his hands on Theo has made Victoria jealous for the first time in many years.

Elsa and Hanna Cutler are Theo's adoptive sisters. They do not like Theo at all, they see her as an 'invader' and become super critical of her catechism and work ethics. Both girls are smug, self-righteous, holier-than-thou and jealous. They have a religious superiority complex and look down on those who do not follow.

I really like the thought put into this and the complexity.. keep up the good work

Can you suggest an alternative to jewelry or flowers as a romantic gift for a woman?

Peter Walw

I am looking for an elegant, romantic gift idea for my wife similar to or similar to a unique jewellery design (but I already bought these so I am looking for something else).

I'd like it to be creative, unique, elegant, and touching (she is high maintenance :) something to make her feel appreciated.

Price range $200 - $700. We have been married for 5 years.

A full day at a Day Spa being pampered. Gave one to my girlfriend and she loved it.

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Why do some women have kids just to dump them in daycare?

gift for women turning 60
 on Knit Jones: Bathroom Reno Day pictures
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They ca

Now that I have your attention, I have a legit question. Why do people have children just to dump the child off in school once they turn 5 years old? We have these people making judgements about daycare, yet isn't school the same thing? Kids are in school for about the same amount of time. Just think we they get older and are involved in sports/band/choir/etc. How terrible that these children can't spend every second of everyday with their parents.
(note the sarcasm)
Kimberly, see where Isaid note the sarcasm?//I posted this because Ise daycae-bashing question every day. MY ids aren't in daycare but I know parents who have to put their kids in daycare. I've seen people say on here "Oh, those poor childrne have to be away from mommy 8 hours out of the day." Now remind me how many hours a child is in school? Isn't it 7 or 8. Then when they start with sports and then an after school job when they turn 15 or 16, that's even less time with mommy and daddy. Why don't these same people complain about this even though not sending your kid to school is illegal?

Like Ellie said, thank goodness you were being sarcastic, cause I was very tempted to give you a tongue lashing too! :)

I don't understand why either group, (the SAHM's or the working moms), feel it necessary to insult and put down others for the choice they have made. The comment that people have made, "Why have kids if you are going to have daycares raise the?" is just really rediculous! So basically, without just outright saying it, these people are saying that unless someone is financially able to stay at home with their children and not use a daycare or a private babysitter, then they don't deserve to be a parent. That is very judgemental and just plain hateful. Not every woman has the luxery of falling in love and marrying a man who makes $35-60,000 a year. I married one who only makes about $25,000 and brings home alot less after he pays child support on his children from his ex-wife and insurance premiums on all the kids. I don't think the fact that I didn't marry someone who made alot of money, means that I dont deserve to have children.

What about a woman who is widowed? My best friend was widowed with 2 young children, and had no choice but to work to support her kids. So I guess according to some of these women, she didn't deserve to have the kids, because she ended up having to put them in daycare. Point is, no woman, even these ones that are so freely judgeing working moms, know how their life will turn out and what might happen to them.

I don't know any woman who enjoys dropping her kids off at a daycare in the mornings, I certainly don't. But my husband and I live in an older house, and have had alot of things break, like our hot water heater, pipes, leaking roof. We have not had the money to repair these things outright, so we have had to charge them on a credit card. The motor on my car blew up and it cost over $2,000 to fix it, so again that went on the credit card. I was a SAHM for 18 months, and any unexpected large expense that came up, went on that cerdit card. So, I will be trying to pay all that off for years now. But it was either do that, or go without hot water, or no water, or have no vehicle. Which would have ended up hurting my kids more than me. So I did go back to work, and I do have to take my daughter to a babysitter during the day.

I do not live an extravagant life. I don't go shopping every month, I don't have a Coach purse, we don't have 4 wheelers or motor bikes, we don't go on vacations, we don't eat out every week, I don't buy new clothes for myself on even a monthly basis. If I have an extra money, from working over time or getting a bonus at work, I spend it on my husband or kids, not on myself. I took some extra money I had about 4 years ago, and bought my husband one of those $65.00 do-it-yourself outdoor pond kits, and some cheap 25 cent goldfish to go in it, and helped him make it, for fathers day, and I have had women on here tell me that was an expensive, frivolus expense and that is probably the reason I have to work, cause I am wasting money. I never knew buying my husband a fathers day gift would be considered "wasting money"!

If a mom chooses to work, because she does not want to stay at home at her childrens expense, then I don't think that makes her selfish at all. In fact I think it makes her a loving, wonderful mom. If choosing to stay at home, means that you and your husband have to stretch and skrimp so much with his paycheck, that you find yourself telling your kids "No, you can't have that, we can't afford it." or not taking them out to eat or to the movies occasionally (cause you have to pay the electric bill), not being able to buy them new clothes or toys occasionally (and I don't mean the cheap $2.00 toys at the Dollar Store that fall apart within 3 days) or you just simply have no extra money for "extras", then I do think that the mom staying at home ends up affecting the kids in a not so good way. Sure, they have mommy at home with them all the time, but if they never get the "little extras" that I know most kids would like to have and enjoy, then I think to alot of kids that is not worth it. I have seen stay at home moms, who have to skrimp and save so much that they can't even buy their kid Christmas presents or a Halloween costume. So, how is that fair to the kid?

I realize that not all daycares are great, but their are alot of women who do daycare out of their home. I found a wonderful older lady who watches kids out of her home. She is very inexpensive compaired to daycares, and my daughter learns alot from this woman. At only 2 she was talking as good as a 3 year old, was counting to 20 and could say spanish numbers too. This woman treats my daughter like she is her grandchild, and I never have to worry that she isn't getting wonderful care while I am at work. I don't go out with the girls after work or go shopping when I get off. I immediatly go get my daughter from this woman. I spend every single waking minute away from work with my kids. I do not go out, nor do I ever leave them with a sitter other than the hours I am at work. So I try to make the most of the time I am home with them.

You made a great comparrison, regardless of what others have told you. The moms who think it is better to be a stay at home mom when their kids are young, and who want to judge and insult the moms who use daycare, should homeschool their kids, if they truely feel being at home with them is better.

Why are Muslims running around with three foot long swords, ready to kill a woman over a teddy bear?


No wonder these people should NOT have nuclear weapons!
BlahBlah - That hurt.

It's straight from the Koran . . . these people are certifiably insane:


Bukhari:V4B52N260 âThe Prophet said, &aci

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ladies 35 and up..What magazines are you more likely to enjoy.?

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 on ... Gifts on 2011 -Valentines Ideas for Boyfriend: Fall 2012 Women's
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A lady friend enjoys getting magazines as a little gift. I know I could ask her, But I'm just trying to get and idea as to what would be a good bet. Any age can answer. The only reason I put and age on is that usaully when this question is asked you get a lot of teen magazine responces and I know that would not work.

redbook.. it has all the good and juicy sex tips and cool fashion tips and quizes and gossip but for the more mature woman.. instead of the young paris hilton fans

How long do I wait?


I've been out of the dating game for about a year now, and the previous relationship was 7 years (i'm 22). I feel I am ready, and I've picked a girl out. This girl i went to HS with, and we talk non stop on msn for the last 3 months. I've been dropping hints that I like her, even wrote poetry sorta bouncing around the idea i liked her, and i know she's read it. The thing is, her last relationship she was in, she was told every day that she is a worthless g/f and shouldn't ever have a b/f. Then at their 5 month anniv, she got dumped. She was so heart broken she almost killed herself. I've asked her in secret ways if she plans on dating soon or ever again. (got to love myspace quizzes). every time she says i don't want a b/f yet, but I'm not a shy guy and i asked her straight up, would you date me? if not now in the future. She said yes...but in the future..and probably not in the near though. I'm willing to wait for her for as long as it takes, How long should i wait?

I would not formally date her now. I would make sure that you begin to cement a trust of you from her. If she starts to trust you then it becomes easier. Informal dates like lunch or or picnics require a minimal output and has a way of impressing a girl. If you provide her a safe environment, she will gradually warm up to you. Be aware of her vulnerability and those things that she is sensitive about--know what hurts her and discover what pleases her. Buy her the book "A Woman's Worth" by Marianne Williamson, but don't give it to her until after you have read it. After you have read it, inscribe it to her. You seem like the kind of guy who could tell her that she is a good person, a special person with remarkable gifts. Most women are, but they need to know it. If she is beautiful, she needs to know that too. You may also want to tell her that it really doesn't matter what you end up doing, but that her presence is enough.

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What do you think is a good amount to donate?

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 on 2013 Cute Funny Gifts for under $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 Gift Ideas, by ...
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I just found out that one of the women I work with is unable to provide her three children, all under the age of 8, with any Christmas gifts. My husband and I are discussing giving her an anonymous gift of a gift card to ToysRUs. What do you think would be a fair amount to give? We don't have alot but we have some extra cash...any ideas?

Maybe $50 for each child? That seems to be enough to buy one or two gifts for each child (if you can afford that). If $50 a child is too steep, maybe $30 for each child. I'm sure anything you can give they will be appreciative of.

It's so nice to see someone caring for others in need. God bless you.

Should I pay someone to get traffic to my online business?

martin h

I have a very small business on the internet selling hand-drawn portraits. I only need about 2 or 3 orders a day, which I calculate would require about 8,000 unique visitors per week to my site. Some companies offer to send traffic to your site for as little as 50 dollars. I have very little money to spend on advertising, and I don't know if it would be possible to get thousands of hits without paying for advertising or professional internet marketers. What would you do in this situation?

Most of those companies are shills who will gladly take your money and drive a slew of useless traffic at your site. You may get that 8,000 visits a day, but you won't have the conversion rates you need to get the orders you want.

Worse yet, if one of the main search engines identifies the site of that company as selling that traffic as a "Link farm" their traffic will drop due to reduced search result ranking.

Here are some better options:

Watermark any images you put online so it's harder for people to steal them and claim they're their own.

Create or participate in a Yahoo Group about the kind of art you do. Use your site URL in your profile and use an @yourdomain e-mail address for the account.

Place ads in the appropriate areas of free sites like craigslist.

Sign up for a Google Analytics account and use the tools it offers to examine your site and see what you can do to optimize your site.

Create an XML site map and link to it appropriately from your robots.txt

Read the guidelines from the big search engines like Yahoo, Google and MSN to see how you can build the site to better fit the kind of site they WANT to index. This is a good idea, because those guidelines are a blueprint for techniques that search engines SUPPORT.

Buy some Google Adwords. If you've already optimized the site and you pick good adwords, you'll see a higher conversion rate than two to three orders out of 8,000 visitors

Offer Valentine's Day discounts under the condition the orders are placed before a certain date.

Post pages from your site to places like Digg and

Advertise Burlesque portraits as a gift for a woman to give her man.

Do a few "Traffic Draw" portraits. Foe example, do a burlesque of Deanna Trio from Star Trek and post it to Depict a sports hero in a Romanesque or Gladiatorial pose and post it to a forum for fans of the sports star's team.

Design an attractive t-shirt that advertises your site, get it printed and wear it around town.

If you drive, put the URL on a bumper sticker and slap it on your car.

You're on a budget, there's no reason to cough up cash when there are so many free or low cost advertising options out there.

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