I have no earthly idea what she means by that, and I would be really grateful if you guys could help me out and give me ideas on how to be a romantic
The fact that you're asking this and willing to try is a really good sign.
Women aren't all the same though and we like different romantic acts to make us feel loved. It would be good if you could find out her love language, either by trying to figure it out yourself or getting her to do the 5 love languages quiz if she's willing.
The love languages are
Gifts or gift giving.
Quality time.
Affirmation or compliments.
You can read more about them here:
Once you know what he love language/s are, you can tailor your romantic gestures around them. Is she likes gifts, pick her up some surprise flowers just because you're thinking of her, or if money is an issue even just a flower you picked while out walking that made you think of her because it's "almost as beautiful as she is."
If she likes physical touch, maybe give her a romantic massage and spend an hour or so just focusing on her. Try not to make it about what you might get out of it at the end! :p
Quality time might be putting aside some time just to chat without any distractions, no phone, no computers, no tv. Let her know she's the most important thing to do and you want to be able to focus just on her tonight.
Service - Cook her dinner. This is better done not as a complete surprise but maybe ask her around to your place and say you have a special surprise. When she gets there you have a romantic, home cooked meal laid out. If you can do this complete with candles and a flower on the table you'll get bonus points, but as long as it's clear you've worked really hard to put in extra effort she'll love it.
Affirmation or compliments - The big romantic gesture I can think of for this one would be a speech or poem about how wonderful she is. Close your eyes, think deeply about her and really try to tap into what you love about her. Some guys really struggle to produce something like that even if they do deeply love someone, so if that isn't your style then you can still make her feel loved every day just by giving her some compliment on something she did or the way she looks. For a special compliment you could look at her for a few seconds and say something like "Wow, I just noticed how amazing your eyes look in this light." or something like that. All those times she takes your breathe away, let her know! :)
The fact that you're asking this and willing to try is a really good sign.
Women aren't all the same though and we like different romantic acts to make us feel loved. It would be good if you could find out her love language, either by trying to figure it out yourself or getting her to do the 5 love languages quiz if she's willing.
The love languages are
Gifts or gift giving.
Quality time.
Affirmation or compliments.
You can read more about them here:
Once you know what he love language/s are, you can tailor your romantic gestures around them. Is she likes gifts, pick her up some surprise flowers just because you're thinking of her, or if money is an issue even just a flower you picked while out walking that made you think of her because it's "almost as beautiful as she is."
If she likes physical touch, maybe give her a romantic massage and spend an hour or so just focusing on her. Try not to make it about what you might get out of it at the end! :p
Quality time might be putting aside some time just to chat without any distractions, no phone, no computers, no tv. Let her know she's the most important thing to do and you want to be able to focus just on her tonight.
Service - Cook her dinner. This is better done not as a complete surprise but maybe ask her around to your place and say you have a special surprise. When she gets there you have a romantic, home cooked meal laid out. If you can do this complete with candles and a flower on the table you'll get bonus points, but as long as it's clear you've worked really hard to put in extra effort she'll love it.
Affirmation or compliments - The big romantic gesture I can think of for this one would be a speech or poem about how wonderful she is. Close your eyes, think deeply about her and really try to tap into what you love about her. Some guys really struggle to produce something like that even if they do deeply love someone, so if that isn't your style then you can still make her feel loved every day just by giving her some compliment on something she did or the way she looks. For a special compliment you could look at her for a few seconds and say something like "Wow, I just noticed how amazing your eyes look in this light." or something like that. All those times she takes your breathe away, let her know! :)
Ladies 35 and up..What magazines are you more likely to enjoy.?
A lady friend enjoys getting magazines as a little gift. I know I could ask her, But I'm just trying to get and idea as to what would be a good bet. Any age can answer. The only reason I put and age on is that usaully when this question is asked you get a lot of teen magazine responces and I know that would not work.
redbook.. it has all the good and juicy sex tips and cool fashion tips and quizes and gossip but for the more mature woman.. instead of the young paris hilton fans
redbook.. it has all the good and juicy sex tips and cool fashion tips and quizes and gossip but for the more mature woman.. instead of the young paris hilton fans
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