birthday gifts for her 9th image
i'm not sure if he's turning 7, 8 or 9 but I don't know anything about him and I need to get him a birthday gift. Any suggestions? Please do not suggest computer or video games cause I don't think he uses that kinda stuff. Thanks in advance 10 points for best answer, don't forget!
Legos, transformers, k-nex, board games, etc.
Legos, transformers, k-nex, board games, etc.
How much fish food should you give 1 betta?
Teresa Lyn
I recently had bought one for my son and was told to only give 3 pellots a day, and I didnt have this fish but 3 weeks and it died.. To me this did not seem like enough to be feeding it so I am wondering if I was not feeding it enough.. So I purchased another one at a different pet store and I ask 2 different workers there how many I should feed it a day and i got two different answers.. One said no more then 4 a day, the other lady said just grab a pinchful between 8 and 10, and whatever it doesn't eat within 3 minutes take out, so I am confused.. How can each person I talk to have a different answer.. dont want to over feed or underfeed this one and the pet stores are not much help..Just dont want this one to die, it was hard for my 9 yr old to deal with losing the first one in 3 weeks and it was a birthday gift.. Also are dwarf frogs ok to put in with it.. I dont have the glass aquarium , just the plastic 5 gallon fish bowl, with room temp water and some rocks and a couple trees in it..
If you're keeping it in a bowl, it didn't die because you didn't feed it enough. It died because you didn't have a heater and filter and it wasn't cycled. Research Fish Tank Cycling and get a traditional 2.5 or 5 gallon tank. Room temp is usually 67-70 degrees, these fish need 76-82 which would be achieved if you bought a small heater. A heater brought up the temp of my tank 10 degrees! I lost my first fish too before I learned all this, it's common. Feed 3-6 pellets once per day and water change 25% once every 10 days. NEVER change your filter, if it gets dirty just rinse it in old tank water or you will have to start your cycle again (cycle takes 2 months and if it's not done properly the fish will suffocate!) Oh and don't forget to add half a teaspoon of water conditioner to your tank during every water change. The hard metals and minerals in your water could be killing the fish too.
Dwarf frogs are fine but until you learn and teach your child the proper way to take care of fish, I would hold off on it because it adds a whole new dimension of difficulty.
If you're keeping it in a bowl, it didn't die because you didn't feed it enough. It died because you didn't have a heater and filter and it wasn't cycled. Research Fish Tank Cycling and get a traditional 2.5 or 5 gallon tank. Room temp is usually 67-70 degrees, these fish need 76-82 which would be achieved if you bought a small heater. A heater brought up the temp of my tank 10 degrees! I lost my first fish too before I learned all this, it's common. Feed 3-6 pellets once per day and water change 25% once every 10 days. NEVER change your filter, if it gets dirty just rinse it in old tank water or you will have to start your cycle again (cycle takes 2 months and if it's not done properly the fish will suffocate!) Oh and don't forget to add half a teaspoon of water conditioner to your tank during every water change. The hard metals and minerals in your water could be killing the fish too.
Dwarf frogs are fine but until you learn and teach your child the proper way to take care of fish, I would hold off on it because it adds a whole new dimension of difficulty.
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