Thursday, December 5, 2013

What happened to all the gift card choices with american express?

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I have soe points built up over the years and there used to be a lot of companies with gift cards exchanging for .01/point value. Now all the gift cards which used to be the best bang for your points only offer .005/point.

10,000 points used to get you $100 gift card
20,000 points used to get you $200 gift card etc.

But now 20,000 points still only gets you a $100 gift card and only a few companies participating. I'm glad I also have been using my Chase Visa cash back card. Nothing like accumulating cash with no gimicks or exchange tricks.

Anyone else with AmEx notice any smart ways to use the points? Thanks

Stuff happens.

Can a business charge sales tax on its gift certificates?


This is the first time this has ever happened to me: I tried buying a gift certificate for $20 at a Virginia business -- they said they had to charge tax and make the gift certificate $20.50 --- I know it's only 50 cents, but if they do that to all customers, that's a bit of a scam, right?

I think it is a bit of a scam because they already tax the stuff that will be bought WITH the gift card.....but to say whether it is legal or just how taxes are....I don't know. Try looking into local laws and asking around different businesses that offer gift cards....ask WHY they charge taxes on them and you should get an answer from at least a couple places...and they should in theory be repeat answers.

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