Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How many gifted students commit suicide each year due to bullying?

gifts for her from kids
 on Girl Giving A Birthday Girl Her Gift Posters, Art Prints by BNP Design ...
gifts for her from kids image

Emily N.

I'm working on an essay for school. I'm trying to convince the reader that all schools need gifted programs. One of my points is that these programs could offer comfort to those who are bullied and harassed by their peers for being "over achievers","teachers pets", or "nerds". Often times, gifted students are bullied because their peers don't think they're cool enough, just because they'd rather have their nose stuck in a book than care about who said what on Facebook or who broke-up with who.

I've tried to research articles on bullying and suicide, but the ones I've found don't offer statistics for the gifted kids who commit suicide from bullying. The nerds, the geeks, you know? They have statistics for the total amount of teen suicides and the statistics for those suicides linked to bullying, and which ones were bullied for being fat/obese, ugly, having eating disorders, or for being homosexual or bisexual. But, what I want to know is, how many teens have killed themselves for what their peers say about being "nerds"?

Though the actual statistics are uncertain, you may wish to also include the need for support in your essay. Today there is a greater awareness of the prevalence of bullying. And there are a lot of resources available for victims. One such resource is the Boys Town National Hotline, available by phone, chat, or email at 1-800-448-3000 and www.yourlifeyourvoice.org. Whether or not the one being bullied is suicidal or not, the Hotline is there to support them. If anyone reading this struggles with bullying or suicidal thoughts, you are welcome to call the The Boys Town National Hotline for Support. Counselors are available, 24/7, by phone or through the website, www.yourlifeyourvoice.org.

How many supporters will tell their families they will be going to Mexico to give gifts & their kids will get?

I'm gonna

How many supporters will tell their families they will be going to Mexico to give gifts & their kids will get no gifts for the kids in Mexico need gifts before your kids do ?

Most of the supporters are anchor babies or Dream Act candidates, so I doubt if many of them will dare to go to Mexico; they might not be able to sneak back over the border. The anchor babies of course can go and come at will, but they would rather stay here and expect the rest of us to put them before our children and ourselves.

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