Monday, January 6, 2014

A good gift for someone going to South America?

gifts for her 65th
 on ... the card and the gift card holder for her dad on his 65th birthday
gifts for her 65th image


What's a good bon voyage gift for a 65-year-old man who's headed to Guatemala? He's planning to open a school for people with autism. We're giving him money for his project but we'd like a personal gift as well, something that would be useful. He'll be living in both places.

He's retiring after 30 years as a live-in caretaker to 7 men with autism. No souvenirs! He has a suitcase full of dvd movies and slideshows of his guys. They are all artists and builders.

He might like new luggage, or a gift card for a mailing center that would ship his stuff back and forth.

What birthday present would be good for your 65 y/o Mother?


My Mother used to be a bit of a compulsive shopper, so she has a TON of stuff already.
It was a QVC addiction at the height of ridiculousness. However, she's not hoarding so much anymore! :D
So what would be a nice gift for her 65th birthday that wont clutter her house up and is a great gift from a son to a mother on her birthday?

A meaningful card with flowers! every mother loves that because they can keep the flowers around the house and take care of them.

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