Saturday, February 15, 2014

English gifts to buy in London?


I'm on a trip to London. Are there shops where I can buy gifts to remind me of England ? For example miniatures of buildings, etc.
And also I'm a cheese fun. Are there some tasty creamy English cheeses to buy ? What else would you suggest ?

Try Harrods or Fortnum + Mason for quality tea tins etc, or the buckingham palace gift shop for fun royal-themed gifts.

CheesE: there's an excellent cheese room at both Whole Foods Kensington and in the basement of John Lewis Oxford Street. Staff at both are very knowledgable about their products and will let you taste them. Or go to Borough market cheese stalls on a Saturday.

I need to make some wedding gift list cards!?


I need to make some wedding gift list cards - like the ones you get from John Lewis, etc - for the bride andgroom to put in with their invitations, but I have no idea what he wording should be! Please can someone help!!!!

What do they have written on them?
We have made up our own wedding list from different retailers, home buying products, tupperware etc... and a friend is holding it for us.

I need to let the guests know who to contact if they want to buy us a gift... but I don't know what to say!


I hope that you're talking about shower invitations. Because if you're actually thinking of putting "gift list cards" in wedding invitations that's the tackiest and most rude thing I've ever heard of. Its like begging your guests for gifts. Registry, cash only requests, or gift information of any kind should NEVER no matter what the circumstances be included in a wedding invitation. That sort of thing is only for shower invitations. So, if you're putting these cards in shower invitations, they should probably say something like this:

Gift Registry Information Available From:

Friend's Name
Friend's Address
Friend's Phone #
Friend's E-mail

Although, it would probably be easier just to register through all the different stores yourselves. You don't have to register for a lot through each store or anything. Plus, they give you cards to put in your shower invitations that tell people where you are registered. But please, whatever you do, don't put them in your wedding invitations. That's probably the most common and most upsetting ettiquette mistake people make when it comes to weddings. Believe me, anyone over the age of 25 invited to the wedding will probably be a little put off by it. I'm only telling you this to save you the trouble. Good luck with everything!

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