Thursday, May 15, 2014

where can i buy a personalized retirement gift for women?


I usually go to

I think I have that address right. Just google it.

Appropriate retirement present?


My friend's step dad is retiring from 30+ years of Military service and i would like to get him a gift the thank him for serving our country. Would it be appropriate to give him a gift card to restaurant so that he and his wife(my friend's mom) could go out for a nice dinner?
I'm a college student and can really only afford $40-$50, Also because I have moved away to college the gift would have to be mailed

Actually, this is such a good question. Traditionally the gift on retirement for a male was a clock or watch and for a woman silverware. Aside from the sexism of this, the practicality has always struck me as questionable, at best. By the time most people retire they have the silverware and clocks and watches that were needful to them. A gift is a gift, of course, and should always be received with appreciation and acknowledged with a thank- you letter.

That being said, I think your idea is great! Who wouldn't like a gift card to a restaurant? Or a gift card to a book store or particular store that you know he likes. But, again, you cannot go wrong with a restaurant.

Bless your heart for thinking of him and his years of service.

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