Sunday, May 11, 2014

I want to give a gift to a Vietnamese woman...?

Bunny Girl

I've been working with a factory in Vietnam who have been very accommodating. I have only communicated by email and I am not on personal terms but I would like to send a gift to show my appreciation for all their hard work. I'm not sure what would be appropriate. Is anyone familiar with Vietnamese culture who could suggest anything. Food is not an option as it has to be sent from England.

Gift giving in business relationships is very common in Vietnam. However, it should not be something expensive as the person you give it to may be made to feel uncomfortable.
Flowers and food are both common gifts but as you are sending it from overseas these will not work.
Something from your business which has a logo (pens, cups, picture frames, etc.) are a good choice or something which represents your country (a local craft, small painting, a scarf froma British designer, etc.) are all good choices.
Keep in mind that Vietnamese culture can be very collectivist so showing your appreciation to a team of people as opposed to one person is also good, even if it is just writing a letter commending the whole team and sending the gift to your personal contact is a great idea.
The concept of "Face" is very active in Vietnamese culture so please keep this in mind while gift giving. Do not give anything quite personal (perfume, intimate items) or too expensive.

Early Islamic Soceity's treatment of women?


what was it like to be a women in early islamic soceity compared to what it was like to be a women in medieval cairo.
-rights they have
-rights they dont have
-their role in soceity
-how they are expected to dress
and any other knowledge you have of this topic
thank you, this is greatly appreciated!!

Rights of women in Islam when Muhammad(PBUH*) was alive and today:
1)right to a dowry(marriage gift) from the potential husand.
2)right to choose her own marraige partner.
3)right to work outside the home but her duty as a wife and mother should come first.
4)right to a divorce(though divorce is highly discouraged in Islam and is only to be used as a last resort).
5)right to reject any suitor.
6)right to sexual satisfaction to her husband.
7)right to ask for protection from a man on the street so she is not raped.
8)right to an education.
9)right not to pray on her period.
10)right to own property.
11)right to own a business.
12)right to operate a business(as long as she isn't interacting with me otherwise her husband has to operate it).
13)right to earn any money she wants.
14)right not to fast on her period.
15)right to get married again if she is a widow or divorcee after she has filled her interim of three monthly periods if she is divorced or four months if she is a widow..
16)right to keep any money she earns and spend it as she likes.
17)right to not have to contribute to the household income(in islam a man is responsible for the providing of his wife and family even if his wife is rich).
18)right to 2/3 love from her children(fathers have to deal with the remaining 1/3)
19)right to an inheritance.
20)right to vote.
21)right to give money to the poor.
22)right to pray in a mosque(though it is better for women to pray in the home so they aren't seen by non mahram men).
And a lot more rights.

rights they dont have:
Women don't have the right to children in a divorce because it is the father who provides for his children and if the mother were to get custody of the children then her new husband might rape the girls or neglect or abuse the children. That is the only right a woman doesn't have.

their role in soceity:
Their first duty is to be a good muslim. Their second duty is to taking care of their husband and his home and children. Mothers are especially honored for their ability to give birth and bring life into the world. Many Muslim women don't work outside the home in the East and even in the West because they respect their God given role in society to be wives and mothers and are very loyal to their husband.

how they are expected to dress:
Women are to cover their faces, hair, body, and hands when going outside or when there are other people in the home. ALLAH(SWT) commanded women in Islam to cover their entire body in the Qur'an and Hadiths because women are more likely to fall into temptation and commit Zina(adulterly) and are the source of a man's lust. In Islam women are referred to as diamonds so naturally if you have a diamond you want to conceal it so it's beauty isn't tarnished or harmed. In Islam women value their beauty so much that they only show it to their sons, brothers, father, husband, and certain other male family members. Hijab is not a sign of oppression. It liberates women from being looked upon as sex objects by strange men and forces men to respect them for their mind and not their body. Muslim women and girls cover their body and hair and face to preserve their modest and chastity. Hijab is not a choice. It is an obligation upon every female Muslim woman and girl. As soon as a girl turns 9 years old then she has to draw the Niqab around her face. Girls are taught to cover their body and hair when they go outside and when they have guests over.

Dress code for women from the Qur'an:
Sura 24:31
31.And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover
their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters,
other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies.
All of you shall repent to GOD, O you believers, that you may succeed.*
Sura 33:55
55.The women may relax (their dress code) around their fathers, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers,
the sons of their sisters, the other women, and their (female) servants. They shall reverence GOD. GOD witnesses all things.

Hadiths about the dress code for Muslim women including Niqab:

'A'isha radi Allahu anha used to say: "When (the Verse): 'They should draw their veils over their necks and bosoms,' was revealed, (the ladies) cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their faces with the cut pieces." (Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 6:282)

Narrated 'A'isha radi Allahu anha who said, "The riders would pass us while we were with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). When they got close to us, we would draw our outer cloak from our heads over our faces. When they passed by, we would uncover our faces.â (Hadith - Recorded by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and ibn Majah, Narrated 'A'isha. [In his work Jilbab al-Marah al-Muslimah, al-Albani states (p. 108) that it is hasan due to corroborating evidence. Also, in a narration from Asma {who was not the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), Asma also covered her face at all times in front of men.)

A'isha radi Allahu anha narrated: "May Allah bestow His Mercy on the first Muhajirat (emigrants). When Allah revealed, '...and draw their Khumur over their Juyubihinna...', they (i.e. the women) tore their material and covered themselves with it."(Sahih Bukhari) Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalanee, who is known as Ameer Al-Mu'mineen in the field of Hadeeth, said that the phrase, "covered themselves", in the above Hadith means that they "covered their faces". [Fath Al-Bari].

Aâisha radi Allahu anha says: â(during Hajj in the state of Ihraam) when the male should walk in front of us while in the company of Rasulullah (sallallahu Alayhi wa sallam), then we would drop our veils from the head over the face.â

Ibn Katheer said...

âWomen must not display any part of their beauty and charms to strangers except what cannot possibly be concealed.â

Imam Ghazaali(mentions in his famous book of Fiqh Ihyaal Uloom):

"Woman emerged (during the time of Rasulullah 'saw') with niqabs on their Faces"

Jami'atul Ulema Junbi Africa sate that the proper opinion for the Hanafi madhab is that "A woman must be properly and thoroughly covered in a lose outer cloak which totally conceals her entire body including her face!"

(This from the book Islamic Hijab by Jami'atul Ulema P.12)

It is also state in the Famous books of Fiqh Durrul Mukhtar...

"Young women are prohibited from revealing their faces in the presence of men."

The Mufassireen, such as Al-Qurtubi, site in their Tafseer of the Ayah on Jilbab (Al-Ahzab 33:59), that the Jilbab is: "a cloth which covers the entire body... Ibn 'Abbas and 'Ubaidah As-Salmaani () said that it is to be fully wrapped around the women's body, so that nothing appears but one eye with which she can see." [Tafseer Al-Qurtubi].

Imam Qurtubi in his Al-Jamia li Ahkaamul QurÙn states:

âAll women are in effect covered by the terms of the verse which embraces the Shari'a principle that the whole of a woman is âAwrahâ (to be concealed) â her face, body and voice, as mentioned previously. It is not permissible to expose those parts except in the case of need, such as the giving of evidenceâ¦â

In Fathul Bari, chapter Hajj, a tradition reported on the authority of A'isha radi Allahu anha says: "A woman in a state of Ihram (during Hajj and Umrah) should stretch her head - cloth over to her face to hide it."

Sheikh ibn Uthaimin ....

âThe Islamic hijab is for the women to cover everything that is forbidden for her to expose. That is, she covers everything that she must cover. The first of those bodily parts that she must cover is her face. It is the source of temptation and the source of people desiring her. Therefore, the woman must cover her face in front of those men that are not mahram. As for those of who claim that the Islamic hijab is to cover the head, shoulders, back, feet, shin and forearms while allowing her to uncover her face and hands, this is a very amazing claim. This is because it is well-known that the source of temptation and looking is the face. How can one say that the Shari'a does not allow the exposure of the foot of the woman while it allows her to uncover her face? It is not possible that there could be in the Esteemed, Wise and Noble Shari'a a contradiction. â

Jamaal Zarabozo (a scholar of Islam in the United States)....

âIn Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 59, Allah has ordered the believing women to wear a jilbab. A jilbab as defined in all the books of tafseer is a cloak that covers the woman's body from the top of her head to her feet. It is also described in those books, form the scholars of the earliest generation that after that verse was revealed, the women would completely cover themselves, leaving, for example, just one eye exposed so they can see the road. Hence, this is the outer garment of the woman that she must wear when she is in front of men she is not related to. â

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