Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Bible specifically tells us no women should be pastors of the church, so why do many churches disobey it ?

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 on Hundred Ripples - Drop a stone into the water/ In a moment it is ...
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Some of these " Christian " churches allow women to preach and teach. The bible tells us they should stay quiet in church, and if any questions they ask their husband at home. Nowadays some of the " christian churches are allowing women to be teachers for the faith ? Satanic influences at work surely?

I am reminded of 2 Timothy 2:15 that says: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" when it comes to questions like this. We must learn not to isolate one scripture reference and make a man-made doctrine out of it. We must consider the circumstances and problems of the culture that was addressed by scripture text and check other scriptures concerning the same issue or topic.

Did you know that despite the prominence of men in ancient Israelite society, God still sometimes called women as leaders. When Josiah needed to hear the word of the Lord, he sent Hilkiah the priest and others to a person who was undoubtedly one of the most prominent prophetic figures of his day: Huldah, a prophetess (2 Kings 22:12â20). Also we have Deborah who was not only a prophetess, but a judge (Judges 4:4). She held the place of greatest authority in Israel in her day. She is also one of the few judges of whom the Bible reports no failures (Judges 4,5).

Joel explicitly emphasized that when God poured out His Spirit, women as well as men would prophesy (Joel 2:28,29). Pentecost meant that all Godâs people qualified for the gifts of His Spirit (Acts 2:17,18), just as salvation meant that male or female would have the same relationship with God (Galatians 3:28). Subsequent outpourings of the Spirit have often led to the same effect.

Paul in the New Testament commended the ministry of a woman who brought his letter to the Roman Christians (Romans 16:1,2). Phoebe was a servant of the church at Cenchrea. "Servant" may refer to a deacon, a term that sometimes designated administrative responsibility in the Early Church.

Elsewhere Paul referred to the ministry of two women in Philippi, who, like his many male fellow ministers, shared in his work for the gospel there (Philippians 4:2,3). Because women typically achieved more prominent religious roles in Macedonia than in most parts of the Roman world,11 Paulâs women colleagues in this region may have moved more quickly into prominent offices in the church (cf., Acts 16:14,15).

Those that are dogmatic in excluding women from the ministries of God usually are not walking in the Spirit, as they see women after the flesh (viewing her sex), not after the Spirit (seeing her heart and calling). The Lord admonishes us in His Word that we are not to look at one another with regard to our sex, race, class or culture, but rather we are to see one another through spiritual eyes. (2 Corinthians 5:16-20)

What are good Christmas gifts for men?


Hey everyone just need some ideas of what to get my boyfriend for Christmas. He already has a magazine subscription and cologne. He's not much of a tool person. I already bought a gift card to his favorite store. Any suggestions would be great!

Tickets to see his favourite band if they'll be playing a show anytime soon.

Books, chocolates (men love chocolate just as much as women), if he loves his car I like to get car gifts like a "car wash gift basket" or something.

A really great teeshirt or sweater or jacket usually goes down well.

Gift cards are easy! Actually going to his favourite store and buying something from it shows you've put more thought into buying him a gift, rather than just shoving a gift certificate in his hand. That says "I have no idea, so you decide". Gift ceritifcates are basically what you give work colleagues for Secret Santa, or people you dont know too well.

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