Wednesday, March 26, 2014

how can I send Gifts to Pakistan on Valentine?


there is this website by the name . Wonderful website, variety is very much and rates are very reasonable.

Obama's sword for Pakistan - Americans gift or morality?


Do you think he can do what Bush could not ...

Catch Usama, conquer Afghanistan.

Destroy Iran, syria, Pakistan and other Islamic countries for the sake of Israel.

I'm not sure whether he can do it or not, although I think Bush's administration is more capable, regardless of what Bush is himself, so if Bush couldn't catch Osama, Obama won't be able to do it either.

Yes, he can destroy Iran and Syria, but not Pakistan. Even Bush is not that stupid to attack Pakistan. Pakistan has a population of 160 millions, and trust me, in case of an US invasion, Al-Qaeda, Taliban and Pakistani army would fight Americans side-by-side, and there is no way America could win. Pakistan is not Afghanistan wrecked by decades of war, and not Iraq weakened by 22 years of sanctions. If America loses Pakistan as their ally, it would ba the most stupid thing to do, as most of Muslim countries would turn against them. They would have a battlefield stretching from Kurdistan to Punjab, which would be impossible to conquer. USA would need tens of millions of soldiers and its economy would collapse, and you'd see USA poorer than Zimbabwe in just a decade of war like that.

And I doubt that EU would support such a war, and it could eventually lead to disassembling of the NATO.

That just puts a question mark over Obama's mental health and proves he is no better than Bush.

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