Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Can anybody send me Gifts using Amazon?


Can Anyone whom i know send me Gifts using Amazon that will be delivered to my House...?

And Can i shop online using someone else's Credit Card with card holder's permission?..

Reply Soon!

Yes in both cases.

Someone who wants to send you a gift from Amazon just needs to make the purchase on-line as usual and then have the items sent to your address.

If someone trusts you enough to give you his credit card, including name, number, security code and billing address (where CC bills are sent to), then you can use that card to make purchases.

By the way the better way to have someone give you an Amazon gift would be to have them send you an Amazon 'gift certificate'. They would prepay a specific amount and then a code will be sent to your email address. That code can then be used to make your purchase at Amazon.

American express gift card on amazon? ?


I purchased a 50$ gift card to purchase something on amazon, and it's not working... I heard that you have to register your address to the gift card... how do you do that?

gift cards never get rigistered only prepaid cards. Amazon like 99% of web sites does not accept prepaid or gift cards for payments

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