Thursday, June 19, 2014

Should I give back the $200 birthday gift he gave me?

*Tiger Lil

So, for my birthday (which isn't until summer), this guy gave me a reeeeaally nice backpacking backpack. (and he left the price tag on (which was stupid) of $233). (we are in college if that makes any difference) We had dated,hung out all the time, etc., but I would never commit, and I finally said that it would be better if we were just friends, because I didnt feel the same about him as he did to me. Even after all of this he gives me this really expensive backpacking backpack (I really like the outdoors, and me, and a large group including him are going backpacking later this year). When he gave it to me he said "this doesn't mean anything, afterall, i gave one to my other friend too" (his best guy friend whose was not as expensive). At first I thought, "well, he has already been told several times, and my best friend had told him that doing this wouldn't change anything between us (to which he said 'I know, I just want to do something nice for her, as a friend' (even though he probably wouldn't get her one), so ill just not make a big deal and accept it. So I thought that I should just accept it, and I did. Now my mother is saying that ladie's dont do that, and that I should give it back. My dad had said to just keep it cause he's got a hard head..." you can see, i need some good advice. and if you think i should return it, whats a classy way to do so?
Thank you!

If you feel that it's a sincere friendship-type gift, and you want to keep it, keep it. It's not so much about whether ladies keep gifts, since this gift wasn't given to you under the pretext of getting closer to you. You already told him you two were just friends.

But if YOU feel there are "strings attached" to the gift, give it back. You don't want to feel in someone's debt, especially when you've tried to make it abundantly clear that you are not interested in him "in that way." If you sense he's trying to bribe you into getting closer or win you over with expensive gifts, give it back.

You will have to use your judgment on this one, based on your feelings around the context of the situation.

What to do with 200 itunes and gift cards?


I have around 200 gift cards mostly itunes that i never threw out. theyre just sitting here and im probley gonna throw them away is there anything else i can do with them???
there all used just so you guys know

Two great sites that have ideas for Gift Card recycling are:

Used Gift Cards:

Ten uses for gift cards:

You can also add money on them and donate them to charity. It's a great way to give back to the community and it makes you feel good too!

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