apparently not i went to their website and found this
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apparently not i went to their website and found this
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About Twilight By Stephine Myer?
The covers on each book mean something. I know that the First one Twilight meant the apple of temptation. But what about the others?
Thanks Mike!!
Twilight- The apple on the cover of Twilight represents "forbidden fruit." Stephenie used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because she loved the phrase "the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil." Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots. You've got the apple in Snow White, one bite and you're frozen forever in a state of not-quite-death... Then you have Paris and the golden apple in Greek mythologyâlook how much trouble that started. Apples are quite the versatile fruit. In the end, Stephenie loved the beautiful simplicity of the picture. To me it says: choice
New Moon- The flower is a ruffled tulip. The apple cover has a lot of meaning to Stephenie, but she did not pick the New Moon cover. Something to keep in mind if you intend to embark on a career as a writer: lots of things you might expect to be under your control are not. Covers, for example. Those are mostly up to the publisher and the marketing and sales departments. What the tulip means is unknown.
Eclipse- This cover was also chosen by the publishers instead of Stephenie Meyer herself. So the definite meaning is unknown, but I personally think that the torn ribbon represents how Bella is torn between Jacob and Edward, just a thought
breaking dawn; was the Queen piece on teh chess board was in front, as the largest piece, and pure white, to symbolize Bella and her new role. She has immense power that came not only with her being able to control herself so well as a newborn, the stregth of which being a newborn entails, and of course, her significant role as a shield which was able to save them all from the Vulturi. Not only after she gains imortaility, but just carrying Renesmee alone took a great deal of strength to endure, adn she "lived" through it all. The color white generally represents pureness, which in Bella's case, couldn't be more spot on. Along with her puritity, I feel it represents her compasion and caring, she truly is a kind person and would do just about anything for the ones she loves. As far as the red pawn goes in the background.. thats something I'm still working on deciphering myself. My theory, for the moment any how, it still needs more thought, is that it represents the Vulturi somewhat. And how their role was reversed upon Bella's imortality and the Cullen's banding together wiht several other covens and families to stand against the Vulturi. The red shows the taintedness of their ways, the lust for power and opression, and the blood which they need for survial, but also spill calously in order to protect themselves and hold their position. In the book they were forced into a situation in which they did not have the upperhand and had then became pawns in the game taht pursued, much thanks to Alice and her finding of Huilen and Nahuel, and also Bella for throwing them off by rendering Jane's and Alec's gifts useless in harming them.
i dont know if these are true for defiant, i've just read and heard peoples thoughts and decided if i thought that was true or not.
jamie xx
Twilight- The apple on the cover of Twilight represents "forbidden fruit." Stephenie used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because she loved the phrase "the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil." Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots. You've got the apple in Snow White, one bite and you're frozen forever in a state of not-quite-death... Then you have Paris and the golden apple in Greek mythologyâlook how much trouble that started. Apples are quite the versatile fruit. In the end, Stephenie loved the beautiful simplicity of the picture. To me it says: choice
New Moon- The flower is a ruffled tulip. The apple cover has a lot of meaning to Stephenie, but she did not pick the New Moon cover. Something to keep in mind if you intend to embark on a career as a writer: lots of things you might expect to be under your control are not. Covers, for example. Those are mostly up to the publisher and the marketing and sales departments. What the tulip means is unknown.
Eclipse- This cover was also chosen by the publishers instead of Stephenie Meyer herself. So the definite meaning is unknown, but I personally think that the torn ribbon represents how Bella is torn between Jacob and Edward, just a thought
breaking dawn; was the Queen piece on teh chess board was in front, as the largest piece, and pure white, to symbolize Bella and her new role. She has immense power that came not only with her being able to control herself so well as a newborn, the stregth of which being a newborn entails, and of course, her significant role as a shield which was able to save them all from the Vulturi. Not only after she gains imortaility, but just carrying Renesmee alone took a great deal of strength to endure, adn she "lived" through it all. The color white generally represents pureness, which in Bella's case, couldn't be more spot on. Along with her puritity, I feel it represents her compasion and caring, she truly is a kind person and would do just about anything for the ones she loves. As far as the red pawn goes in the background.. thats something I'm still working on deciphering myself. My theory, for the moment any how, it still needs more thought, is that it represents the Vulturi somewhat. And how their role was reversed upon Bella's imortality and the Cullen's banding together wiht several other covens and families to stand against the Vulturi. The red shows the taintedness of their ways, the lust for power and opression, and the blood which they need for survial, but also spill calously in order to protect themselves and hold their position. In the book they were forced into a situation in which they did not have the upperhand and had then became pawns in the game taht pursued, much thanks to Alice and her finding of Huilen and Nahuel, and also Bella for throwing them off by rendering Jane's and Alec's gifts useless in harming them.
i dont know if these are true for defiant, i've just read and heard peoples thoughts and decided if i thought that was true or not.
jamie xx
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