Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Is it proper for two grown women (40's) to exchange sappy valentine cards and gifts?


women in their 40's could do anything they want thats legal before they get too old.

40th wedding anniversary gift?


I checked answers and I am still not haveing much luck. Can you link me to a site that has a great gift BOTH my parents can share? Most of the gifts seem to be for the woman.

I am not sure if you are looking for a tradional gift or just an idea. The 40th year traditional gift is rubies. If that is out of your price range, why not a gift certifcate for a bed and breakfast or to a hotel in your downtown area.
A "coupon" book - one where you offer to do certian services for your parents like wash their car or pull their weeds is economical and practical.
A collage/scrapbook would be nice if you are talented in that area. You could try to get pictures and stories from their friends/family to add to the book.
You can get a garden stone/bench that has their names and anniversary dates - maybe Lillian Vernon has them.

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