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before i type further, i'd like to say i don't know Much about this religion, so please do correct me if i get anything wrong. isn't your body a gift from Allah? why, then, are women meant to hide most of it, showing only their face or eyes? are they viewed as something to be ashamed of? inferior? not individual? what happened?
Do Women and Men have equal rights?Indeed,Muslim women have,and had since 600 A.D.. Non-Muslim women have been oppressed and suppressed for centuries.Judaism and Christianity consider women to be an inferior species,born sinners,unclean etc. As for atheism,it is not a religion,and thus have no rules.If a chauvinist leader is elected,he may decide to revoke a law allowing women to vote and replace it with one that forbids it.And again, another leader may come up and pass another Bill declaring owning of property by women to be illegal etc.And of course,a just leader may appear centuries later and declare women and men to be equalâ¦. However,since this is so unreliable,we cannot say that atheism gives women rights.In the early 18th century,the English critic Daniel Defoe denounced marriage as "legalized prostitution." English law dispossessed any woman who married,with the notable exception of England's queens.Women were not allowed to own property or land or to control their own assets.William Blackstone,a celebrated 18th century jurist, put it this way:"By marriage, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended,or at least incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband,under whose wing, protection, or cover she performs everything."
With the advent of Islam came the verse from the Quran elevating women,honoring them and giving them equal rights with men.Though as we notice in some cases,women have been given greater privilege that men(as in the case when a Muslim woman marries,she becomes an owner of her husbandâs property,BUT her property remains hers alone, and her husband has no right over her wealth).
But Islam makes it clear that women and men are 100% equal in every possible way.In fact,the greatest and most learned scholar,or Imaam in Islam was a woman,the first Muslim on Earth was a woman,the greatest general in Islamic history was a woman(who had led one of the most powerful contingent of armed men, in 7th century Arabia),and 14 centuries earlier,Muslim women were governors of âIslamicâ countries,and women help powerful positions all over the Islamic world.
Can we yet forget how in early 18th century European leaders gathered in Paris to decide whether women should be regarded as humans or animals!?And I would not be surprised if another century later, non-Muslim leaders gather to vote to brand women as animals once again.You see, is there any law preventing them from this?Yes,we may be relieved to see that Islamic laws(i.e. The Quran)remains in its pristine form and has not been changed, and shall never be changed. Thus, our rights are protected within this Great Book.Inherently contentful, the Quranâs authenticity has never been questioned. And this Quran,the direct speech of our Lord,the intelligible light,the bridge by which we shall return to salvation,is present,sustaining and illuminating.
Sir Charles Edward Archibald Hamilton says about Islam:âIslam teaches the inherent sinlessness of man.It teaches that man and women have come from the same essence, possess the same soul and have been equipped with equal capabilities for intellectual, spiritual and moral attainments.âIslam came as the defender of the fairer sex and entitled women to share in the inheritance.It gave women,centuries ago,the right of owning property.Yet it was only 12 centuries later, in 1881, that England, supposed to be the cradle of democracy,adopted this institution of Islam and an Act was passed,called the âMarried Womenâs Actâ.But a thousand years before our time,Islam assured women that they shall have every right and every opportunity as men have. Muslim women never had to bite and fight for their rights as we had.Our Creator ensured that this invincible, just law shall remain until the Last Day,and women will never again be considered as the âweaker sexâ.
Do Women and Men have equal rights?Indeed,Muslim women have,and had since 600 A.D.. Non-Muslim women have been oppressed and suppressed for centuries.Judaism and Christianity consider women to be an inferior species,born sinners,unclean etc. As for atheism,it is not a religion,and thus have no rules.If a chauvinist leader is elected,he may decide to revoke a law allowing women to vote and replace it with one that forbids it.And again, another leader may come up and pass another Bill declaring owning of property by women to be illegal etc.And of course,a just leader may appear centuries later and declare women and men to be equalâ¦. However,since this is so unreliable,we cannot say that atheism gives women rights.In the early 18th century,the English critic Daniel Defoe denounced marriage as "legalized prostitution." English law dispossessed any woman who married,with the notable exception of England's queens.Women were not allowed to own property or land or to control their own assets.William Blackstone,a celebrated 18th century jurist, put it this way:"By marriage, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended,or at least incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband,under whose wing, protection, or cover she performs everything."
With the advent of Islam came the verse from the Quran elevating women,honoring them and giving them equal rights with men.Though as we notice in some cases,women have been given greater privilege that men(as in the case when a Muslim woman marries,she becomes an owner of her husbandâs property,BUT her property remains hers alone, and her husband has no right over her wealth).
But Islam makes it clear that women and men are 100% equal in every possible way.In fact,the greatest and most learned scholar,or Imaam in Islam was a woman,the first Muslim on Earth was a woman,the greatest general in Islamic history was a woman(who had led one of the most powerful contingent of armed men, in 7th century Arabia),and 14 centuries earlier,Muslim women were governors of âIslamicâ countries,and women help powerful positions all over the Islamic world.
Can we yet forget how in early 18th century European leaders gathered in Paris to decide whether women should be regarded as humans or animals!?And I would not be surprised if another century later, non-Muslim leaders gather to vote to brand women as animals once again.You see, is there any law preventing them from this?Yes,we may be relieved to see that Islamic laws(i.e. The Quran)remains in its pristine form and has not been changed, and shall never be changed. Thus, our rights are protected within this Great Book.Inherently contentful, the Quranâs authenticity has never been questioned. And this Quran,the direct speech of our Lord,the intelligible light,the bridge by which we shall return to salvation,is present,sustaining and illuminating.
Sir Charles Edward Archibald Hamilton says about Islam:âIslam teaches the inherent sinlessness of man.It teaches that man and women have come from the same essence, possess the same soul and have been equipped with equal capabilities for intellectual, spiritual and moral attainments.âIslam came as the defender of the fairer sex and entitled women to share in the inheritance.It gave women,centuries ago,the right of owning property.Yet it was only 12 centuries later, in 1881, that England, supposed to be the cradle of democracy,adopted this institution of Islam and an Act was passed,called the âMarried Womenâs Actâ.But a thousand years before our time,Islam assured women that they shall have every right and every opportunity as men have. Muslim women never had to bite and fight for their rights as we had.Our Creator ensured that this invincible, just law shall remain until the Last Day,and women will never again be considered as the âweaker sexâ.
Anniversary Gifts from Girlfriend?

Greg Staff
Hi everyone :),
I must confess that I am new to dating since I haven't dated for five or so years up until now. I have been with my partner for two months now, and although we have had a few fights, we've always come good. Anyways in the week leading up to both the first and second month anniversaries, she reminded me excitedly of the impending anniversary. On the first one I bought her twelve red roses and took her out to dinner at a restaurant, and on the second, got a really nice and good quality teddy bear that was holding a I Love You heart. She said thankyou and genuinely looked like she enjoyed the gifts. However she got me nothing, not even a card for either of the anniversaries.
I approached her tonight about it, asking what her thoughts were on anniversaries when should they be celebrated etc etc, and why she didn't get me anything not even a card. Asked her if it was because she expected me not to get her anything, or that she wasn't serious about me. She replied back that "no it was really unexpected, i think that gifts should be on major anniversary dates rather than everyone" to which I replied that she should dictate the anniversary dates then. She replied "ouch, but i think 100 days, 1 year, 3 years, 1000 days, and maybe 5 years". To which she added that "it's hard to me you said you were a minimalist, hard for me to get you a permanent physical gift."
Am I being paranoid that she hasn't given me anything for the first two anniversaries? I mean she helps out and tries to get me to buy clothes and stuff, and she tries to look after my grooming, and we go shopping together and hang out a lot. But is she making excuses by saying that she doesn't know what to get me, not even a card? Because she keeps saying she's serious but it doesn't appear that she is. Or am I thinking too much into it?
Traditionally Anniversaries and Valentines Day are Days Men give women gifts, although it is becoming more popular for a woman to give a man an anniversary or Valentines Day Gift. If you look in stores and see the products available for anniversaries and Valentines Day they are usually geared to women ( tradition) unless you are celebrating a milestone marriage anniversary in which the wedding couple usually will receive gifts for the both of them, but even then most of the gifts received are housewares. This is why she probably isn't buying you a gift, she may not consider it appropriate because her family may follow the tradition and if you keep hounding her about it she may consider you selfish, silly and too immature for her.
Traditionally Anniversaries and Valentines Day are Days Men give women gifts, although it is becoming more popular for a woman to give a man an anniversary or Valentines Day Gift. If you look in stores and see the products available for anniversaries and Valentines Day they are usually geared to women ( tradition) unless you are celebrating a milestone marriage anniversary in which the wedding couple usually will receive gifts for the both of them, but even then most of the gifts received are housewares. This is why she probably isn't buying you a gift, she may not consider it appropriate because her family may follow the tradition and if you keep hounding her about it she may consider you selfish, silly and too immature for her.
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