Saturday, June 14, 2014

Valentines day gift ?


whats a good valentines day gift for me boyfriend ? not too expensive . . .
he already is getting my gift . a hugee tattoo ( My first ) and a Phone ...

Depends on your expensive tastes ma'am. See my girlfriend can get me cufflinks, a shirt, a dress shirt, slacks, a good dvd movie, shoes, a book, hell if my girlfriend buys me any gift that's already a miracle. Guys overlook the romantic aspect of it, if it's a gift and its something he likes, then its all good. You girls give us so little gifts as it is, anything is romantic.

Actually for once, I'd like to see my girlfriend do something romantic for me. Take me out to the movies, or set a candle-light wine dinner ( and we have a hooka) and set everything up and just talk over the couch. It seems like us guys put all the non-verbal effort in while girls just want to talk. eh, take the initiative: your gestures and actions will speak louder than any material or object you get us. I'd be impressed with any date you've planned.

What Would Be A Good Valentine Gift?

Diging up

What would be a good valentine gift? Me and my girl have been together for 4 months.

Valentines Day, the most beautiful festival honoring the celebration of love falls on February 14th. Every year, this day is celebrated with joy and excitement with lovers. The day is marked with Valentine cards, chocolates and Valentine gifts. Couples take this day to express feelings of love and commitment before their girlfriends or boyfriends.

But in the essence of it all, Valentine is about love and romance. It's a day to celebrate unconditional love for someone whether it's your girlfriend, wife or your mother.
So dear just take a red rose, dress up smart and say the line your beloved is dying to hear. Show your love how much you love. And say Happy Valentine's Day!
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